This report, which was approved by the Federal Council on 2 February 2022, is a thematic strategy following up on the Foreign Policy Strategy 2020−23 (FPS 2020−23). The adoption of an Arms Control and Disarmament Strategy is a measure that the Federal Council has undertaken as part of its annual objectives for 2021. This Federal Council report also fulfils postulate 21.3012 of the National Council’s Security Policy Committee.
Climate change threatens to slow down or even reverse progress in global poverty reduction. International cooperation is responding – together with the local populations.
The Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA) sees the 50th anniversary of the Helsinki Final Act in 2025 as an opportunity to take stock and look forward with a positive agenda. Through its 2022–25 action plan for the OSCE, Switzerland seeks to identify measures which will help strengthen the organisation and rebuild European security. The action plan does not aim to cover Switzerland's entire policy within the OSCE; instead, it highlights those areas in which Switzerland can make a significant contribution by 2025.
Switzerland has been supporting North Macedonia’s political, social and economic transition since 1992. Today, it ranks among North Macedonia’s largest bilateral cooperation partners.
Das vorliegende Kooperationsprogramm 2022–2024 plant den Ausstieg der langjährigen bilateralen Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der DEZA aus Kuba. Dies ist gemäss dem Entscheid des schweizerischen Parlaments von 2020, die bilateralen Mittel für Lateinamerika bis 2024 schrittweise auf die Regionen Nordafrika, Mittlerer Osten und Subsahara-Afrika zu verlagern.
The FDFA Action Plan 2028 on Equal Opportunities in the workplace is based on the findings of the evaluation of the Equal Opportunities Policy 2010-2020. It comprises four fields of action with measurable goals and concrete measures for the period 2022-2028. It aims to create a common understanding in order to improve equal opportunities, diversity and inclusion within the FDFA.
During the two-day virtual seminar, held on 2-3 September 2021, international experts looked at emerging practices to strengthen information sharing between the public and private sectors when identifying, freezing and confiscating stolen assets. Against the background of ever-new methods of money laundering, the participants drew on first-hand experience and analyzed how criminal law enforcement agencies, financial intelligence units (FIUs) and financial institutions can use complementary expertise, information and capacity to enhance economic crime detection and facilitate asset tracing. The result is a compilation of insights on how asset recovery challenges can be addressed and resolved by leveraging advances and opportunities for greater financial information sharing partnerships (FISP) collaboration.
The Swiss Cooperation Programme for Bangladesh 2022–25 builds upon lessons learnt from 50 years of partnership focused on empowering the most vulnerable segments of the population and promoting gender equality. Switzerland will continue supporting Bangladesh on its journey to graduate from the least developed country category and to progress towards achieving the sustainable development goals, whilst leaving no one behind.
Peace, social cohesion and prosperity in Central Asia constitute an essential aim of Swiss foreign policy. Switzerland’s engagement in the region began in the 1990s after four Central Asian States joined the Swiss-led voting groups at the World Bank Group, the IMF, and the EBRD, and it has expanded ever since.
Last update 25.10.2023
FDFA Communication