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Since 18 March 2024, the Swiss delegation led by chief negotiator Patric Franzen has held more than 140 negotiating sessions with the EU. The Federal Council has taken stock of the state of negotiations and has noted that substantial progress has been made in most areas of the package, particularly on institutional issues and state aid. In other areas, notably the free movement of persons, electricity and Switzerland's contribution to cohesion, negotiations will continue in order to achieve convergence between the two parties.
The aim of the negotiations is to ensure Switzerland's security and prosperity by stabilising and further developing the bilateral approach with the EU. The current geopolitical situation highlights the importance of good, stable relations between Switzerland and the EU and its member states, particularly neighbouring countries.
Internal work
Internally, work to incorporate the elements of the package into Swiss law has enabled the departments concerned to identify the laws and ordinances that need to be amended or enacted, as well as the necessary accompanying measures. The number of EU legal acts at legislative level that Switzerland would have to adopt as part of the package is currently approaching 150. Work has also begun on drafting the dispatch that will be issued to Parliament.
The government was also informed of the outcome of discussions with the cantons, the social and economic partners and the interest groups concerned in the key areas of immigration, wage protection, electricity and overland transport. This work is ongoing.
The Federal Council has also taken a decision in principle on Switzerland's association to the EU's Erasmus+ programme: it aims to be associated to this programme from 2027 and will submit the funding decision to Parliament as part of the dispatch on the overall package. In parallel, a national implementation system must be put in place, and actors involved in education are encouraged to prepare for this.
Next stages
The Federal Council has instructed the FDFA and the five other departments concerned (FDJP, EAER, DETEC, DHA and FDF) to continue negotiations with the EU.
The departments are also responsible for continuing the internal implementation work, including work on the accompanying measures and financial implications, with a view to drawing up a dispatch on the overall package.
Finally, the government will continue to receive regular updates on the progress of the dossier and will review the situation at the appropriate juncture.
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