Info on requirements for entry/visas for Estonia
The following offices represent the interests of Estonia in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The following offices represent the interests of Estonia in Switzerland or are responsible for consular matters:
The list is only available in French
Etat au 07.10.2024
Wohllebengasse 9/12, A-1040 Vienne
0043/1 503 77 61 11
téléfax 0043/1 503 77 61 20
Consulat de la République d'Estonie
Avenue Léon-Gaud 5, 1206 Genève
022/839 70 00
téléfax 022/839 70 07
Consulat de la République d'Estonie
Schaffhauserstrasse 550, 8052 Zurich
09h00 à 14h00
044/363 67 67
Last update 26.01.2022