The first meeting of the European Political Community offers the chance for an open and direct dialogue between European government representatives at the highest level at a time when Europe is facing numerous challenges. The idea of a European Political Community bringing together states inside and outside the EU was proposed last spring by French President Emmanuel Macron.
The European Council chaired by Charles Michel and the Czech EU presidency have taken up and given shape to the idea in the form of this Prague summit.
The summit is jointly sponsored by the EU, its member states and European states that are not part of the EU. Thematically, this first edition focuses on security and stability, energy and climate, and the economic situation in Europe. By attending the meeting, Switzerland will be able to cultivate exchanges with European partners and underscore its contribution to stability, security and prosperity in Europe. President Cassis will also take the opportunity to hold a number of bilateral talks.
Further information:
Czech Presidency of the Council of the European Union
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