Contacts of lawyers
The Embassy of Switzerland does not provide any individual legal advice.
If you need legal advice, you can contact the following law firms. All information is non-binding and without guarantee. The Embassy does not assume any responsibility.
When a mandate is granted, the client is responsible for all costs and fees.
Legal practitioners used by the representation:
UEPA advokáti s.r.o.
Voctářova 2449/5, 180 00 Prague 8
Tel.: +420 234 707 444
Fax: +420 234 707 404
Other law firms:
PRK Partners s.r.o. attorneys at law
Jáchymova 26/2, 110 00 Prague 1
Tel.: +420 221 430 153
Rödl & Partner, advokáti, s.r.o.
Platnéřská 191/2,110 00 Prague 1
Tel.: +420 236 163 111
Fax: +420 236 163 799