Switzerland - as an Italian speaking country - is very proud to contribute to the series of events of the XV edition of the Week of the Italian language in the World, which will also take place in Baku from 19-24 October 2015.
This year the main theme of the week is “L’Italiano della Musica, Musica dell’Italiano” (the Italian of the Music and the Music of the Italian).
As in previous years, the Embassy of Switzerland gladly takes the opportunity to promote the linguistic diversity of Switzerland and the Swiss Italian culture by organizing - in collaboration with Presence Switzerland and the Associazione Italia-Azerbaigian - two events in Baku.
On 21st October 2015 a narrative guitar concert “Uno per Uno” will be performed by the Swiss artists Tommaso Soldini (poet & writer) and Mimmo Prisco (musician & composer) both from the beautiful canton of Ticino.
Tommaso Soldini will read passages of his latest novel “Uno per Uno” in Italian. He will be accompanied by Mimmo Prisco, who will play his original music composed specifically for this novel on the guitar.
The welcome speech will be given by the newly arrived Head of Mission, H.E., Philipp Stalder, Ambassador of Switzerland to the Republic of Azerbaijan.
At the previous day, on Tuesday, 20th October, Tommaso Soldini will also read from his beautiful illustrated children’s book “La vera storia della scarlattina” (The True Story of Scarlet Fever) for the students of Komplex 132-134 (the Azeri translation will be shown on a screen). The event will be open for children aged 4-14 years old.
Find here the program of the whole week and enjoy this great week dedicated to the melodic Italian language!