The overall goal of the Programme is that people of the region benefit from sustainable and inclusive economic and social development, democratic public institutions, human security, peace, and increased climate change resilience, achieved through regional dialogue and cooperation.
The Swiss Cooperation Programme 2022–25 for the South Caucasus reaffirms Switzerland's continued commitment to promoting peaceful, inclusive and resilient societies in the region. Building on past achievements, Switzerland intends to make an effective contribution to the region's development pathways by focusing on three thematic areas: Governance and Peace, Economic Development and Employment, and Environment and Climate Change. The financial commitment for this period amounts to CHF 80 million.
During 2022-2025, Switzerland will support the South Caucasus region in the following four key areas:
- Protecting and promoting civic engagement and space as well as cooperation in the region
- Strengthening democracy and public institutions
- Improving economic development and creating decent jobs
- Strengthening climate resilience and sustainable resource management
The Programme will adopt a systemic approach to poverty reduction, gender equality and social inclusion. Gender and good governance will be treated as transversal themes. In addition, the Swiss programme will systematically consider how its interventions influence or are influenced by migration, the environment, digitalisation and the media.