Cultural mediators to support the Italian police and migration authorities

Local news, 21.08.2023

In 2023, Italy has been facing a high number of disembarkations. In order to facilitate communication between migrants, police and migration authorities, Italy works together with cultural mediators. Switzerland finances the deployment of cultural mediators with the Rapid Response Fund of the Second Swiss Contribution.

A cultural mediator from IOM is in conversation with a migrant to support him. Other migrants can be seen in the background.
Cultural mediator assisting migrants. © IOM

Migration situation in Italy

In 2023, the number of migrants crossing the Mediterranean Sea and arriving in Italy has increased, mainly through the Central Mediterranean route (Tunisia, Libya). Other arrivals have been recorded also through the Eastern Mediterranean route (Türkiye) and the Balkan route (Slovenia). Between January and July 2023, more than 89'000 people arrived in Italy over sea. This represents an increase of 115 % compared with the same period last year. 12 % of all persons arriving are unaccompanied children.

Law enforcement staff at borders needs qualified supporting teams that are able to quickly communicate with migrants and inform them about procedures, while ensuring that migrants’ rights and protection needs are respected and taken into consideration. Over the past years, the presence of qualified staff from the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) has contributed to the good border management and fostered dialogue both with migrants and neighbouring authorities in the daily case management.

Project objectives

The project aims to improve and speed up identification and asylum procedures in Italy as well as to ensure that migrants receive appropriate treatment, giving special attention to vulnerable persons such as unaccompanied minors and victims of trafficking.

Project description

Country / Region Topic Period Budget
Italy Immediate support to identification and registration of migrants, including asylum-seekers at border police and immigration offices. 01.08.2023 – 30.11.2023 CHF 727 000
Project description

Project activities

56 cultural mediators are deployed in different regions of Italy, in locations with particularly high number of arrivals. They facilitate communication between authorities and migrants during identification and registration procedures that follow the emergency disembarkation events at Southern maritime disembarkation points, at the entry points across land borders in the Northern Regions as well as the asylum claims processed in the local police offices. Vulnerable migrants identified at the entry points will be properly assisted by the cultural mediators and referred to either the immigration office or the local referral system (social services, anti-trafficking network, reception centres for unaccompanied minors, shelters, etc.) to ensure adequate follow-up and protection.


Article, 23.10.2023

On 19 October, the closing conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme (CSRP), organised by the Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ, took place in Zagreb. The CSRP initiative aims to promote scientific cooperation between Switzerland and Croatia and is in implementation from 2017 until the end of 2023.

Ambassador Urs Hammer speaks at the conference.
Ambassador Urs Hammer underlined the importance of scientific cooperation for Switzerland. © SDC

The conference opened with an inspiring keynote speech by Professor Marcel Tanner, former President of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, on the contribution of research to reducing social and economic disparities.

Professor Ozren Polašek, Director of the Croatian Science Foundation, said at the conference: "The cooperation with Switzerland was excellent. The joint work with the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF showed us a lot about the culture of science funding and the monitoring of joint grants."

In his speech, Swiss Ambassador Urs Hammer spoke about how important scientific cooperation is for Switzerland and pointed out that Switzerland is still excluded from the Horizon Europe programme.

This conference marks the end of the research programs  under the Swiss enlargement contribution. New initiatives under the second Swiss contribution are currently being developed, in particular a call which will fund research collaborations amongst researchers from a number of EU Countries (including Croatia) and Switzerland. Programs in the health, civic engagement and water sectors will also be supported.