Embassy of Switzerland in the United States of America

What we do
Through the Embassy, the Consulates General, the Swiss Business Hub USA and the offices of swissnex, Switzerland promotes exchange between Switzerland and the US in the fields of business, politics, science, technology and culture.
For Swiss living in the United States the Embassy and the Consulates General offer services of administrative matters and consular protection.
As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy covers all matters concerning diplomatic relations between the two countries. It represents Swiss interests in the areas of political, economic, financial and legal affairs, as well as science, education and culture.
President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd: National Day 2024 greetings for the Swiss abroad
Download the video of the President of the Swiss Confederation Viola Amherd (13 MB)
Allocution du 1er août aux Suissesses et aux Suisses de l’étranger Viola Amherd, présidente de la Confédération
Allocuzione del 1° agosto alle Svizzere e agli Svizzeri all’estero Presidente della Confederazione Viola Amherd
Discurso del 1º de agosto a las suizas y los suizos que viven en el extranjero Presidenta Federal Viola Amherd
Discurso da Presidente da Confederação Suíça, Viola Amherd, no dia 1 de agosto de 2024