
Dear visitor,

Selamat datang,                                                                                                          Willkommen,                                                                                                                      Bienvenue,                                                                                                           Benvenuto,                                                                                                                          Bainvegni,

It is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Embassy of Switzerland in Malaysia. Here you can find information on the rich and diverse relations between Switzerland and Malaysia, the Embassy’s activities as well as Switzerland in general.

Switzerland and Malaysia have enjoyed diplomatic relations since 1963. These longstanding ties between our two countries are well-established and dynamic, with trade and investment being a significant area of cooperation. Today, almost 170 Swiss companies operate in Malaysia, contributing to local employment and economic development. As the official representation of Switzerland, the Embassy strives to maintain and foster these ties and to promote Swiss interests and values across Malaysia.

As a founding member of ASEAN, Malaysia supported Switzerland’s recognition as a Sectoral Dialogue Partner of ASEAN in 2016. This has opened new avenues for collaboration between Switzerland and the ASEAN countries, including Malaysia, which will be amplified by Malaysia’s Chairmanship of ASEAN in 2025.

My colleagues and I at the Embassy focus our efforts on intensifying bilateral economic relations, contributing to sustainable development and strengthening cooperation in the promotion of peace and security. Our team includes colleagues from Switzerland Global Enterprise supporting SMEs exporting to Malaysia and from Switzerland Tourism promoting our country as a prime tourist destination for Malaysians.

Services and support for Swiss nationals residing in or visiting Malaysia are provided by the Regional Consular Centre at the Embassy of Switzerland in Bangkok. Schengen visas for Switzerland are issued by the Austrian Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.

On this platform, you will discover more about the Embassy's various tasks and activities. To stay informed, we invite you to subscribe to our newsletter, download SwissInTouch and follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

Thank you for visiting our website.


With my warmest regards,

Chantal Moser                                                                                                                  Ambassador of Switzerland to Malaysia