Promise Impact Indonesia, Phase II
PROMISE IMPACT II aims at strengthening the enabling environment for an inclusive financial sector for SMEs, which in turn will lead to economic growth and more and better jobs, particularly tackling the post pandemic challenges which have severely affected SMEs.
Pays/région | Période | Budget |
Indonésie |
- 30.06.2025 |
CHF 4’560’000
Numéro de projet UR00670
Contexte |
The objective of PRPOMISE IMPACT's phase I was to promote sustainable and responsible financial inclusion of micro-enterprises. While the previous phase used micro-finance institutions (MFIs) as delivery mechanism to offer better financial and non-financial services to their clients, the proposed 2nd phase will concentrate on SMEs, while taking into consideration challenges caused by COVID-19 as well as new digital technologies to spur access to finance. It will look at the SME's broader environment, by taking into consideration the supply chains of the involved companies - their clients and suppliers. |
Objectifs |
The project aims at strengthening the SME's enabling environment for an inclusive financial sector. PROMISE IMPACT II will concentrate on the following levels: Firstly, on SME level, strengthening the capacities in different areas, in order to increase their competitiveness and thus contribute to economic growth- Secondly, on the level of financial institutions (FIs), the project aims at developing better products and services that match with the client's needs. Lastly, on policy level, PROMISE IMPACT II will provide policy support, mainly to the regulatory body OJK, to anchor the intended adaptations towards an increased financial inclusion. It will use digital technologies to tackle weaknesses of SMEs and FIs and keep a particular eye on the SME's clients and suppliers, and on female entrepreneurs. Also, it will take challenges caused by COVID-19 into consideration. With this approach, the project will work towards the outcomes described hereinafter. |
Effets à moyen terme |
Outcome 1: Resilient and sustainable SMEs in priority sectors have increased their competitiveness. They have reached an improved capacity to contribute to the (post-pandemic) economic growth. This ourtcome concentrates on SME's, their clients, suppliers and partners and aims to develop respective business services- Outcome 2: The delivery of client centric financial products for, and services to SMEs is scaled-up in growth-oriented sectors. This outcome is geared towards financial institions and looks into selected SMEs supply chain, in order to support the introduction of a new range of financial and non-financial products and services- Outcome 3: Programs and policies are developed, they support and promote sustainability and growth of SMEs. Here, the project works with the regulatory bodies OJK, supervisors at regional level, and the Regional Financial Access Acceleration Team (TPKAD). |
Résultats |
Principaux résultats attendus: Output 1.1: The SME promotion and business development support ecosystem are reinforced in priority sectors- Output 1.2: SME’s supporting organizations (such as busines development services and community groups) capacity in assisting SMEs for resilience and sustainable growth is improved- Output 1.3: SMEs capacity for improved productivity, efficiency and market outreach is developed- Output 2.1: FI's capacity to deliver demand-driven products and services to SMEs is improved- Output 2.2: FIs and SME support institutions share their collaborative experience on SME financing- Output 3.1: Evidence gathering and knowledge sharing is enhanced, in order to support the national financial inclusion strategy and its regional implementation- Output 3.2: Policy actions strengthened, in order to improve bank regulation and supervision that support financing for SME development- Principaux résultats antérieurs: The project worked on highly relevant themes of MSEs development that were in alignment with the GoI’s, SECO’s and ILO’s own strategies and long-term plans. The project also showcased a model of the bundled products that could be potentially used by other FSPs. It efficiently leveraged the training capacities to create more training capacities within the FSPs. It also was able to add more on top of its mandated work by leveraging financial support to the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and train more FSPs in the sector. Most of the targets were achieved or overachieved, i.e. the number of FIs that introduced new financial or non-financial services was 13 (10 were targeted). |
Direction/office fédéral responsable |
Budget | Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF 4’560’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF 0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF 4’080’000 |
Phases du projet | Phase 2 01.07.2021 - 30.06.2025 (Phase en cours) Phase 1 01.05.2014 - 30.04.2019 (Completed) |