Closing Conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme in Zagreb
On 19 October, the closing conference of the Croatian-Swiss Research Programme (CSRP), organised by the Croatian Science Foundation HRZZ, took place in Zagreb. The CSRP initiative aims to promote scientific cooperation between Switzerland and Croatia and is in implementation from 2017 until the end of 2023.
The conference opened with an inspiring keynote speech by Professor Marcel Tanner, former President of the Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences, on the contribution of research to reducing social and economic disparities.
Professor Ozren Polašek, Director of the Croatian Science Foundation, said at the conference: "The cooperation with Switzerland was excellent. The joint work with the Swiss National Science Foundation SNSF showed us a lot about the culture of science funding and the monitoring of joint grants."
In his speech, Swiss Ambassador Urs Hammer spoke about how important scientific cooperation is for Switzerland and pointed out that Switzerland is still excluded from the Horizon Europe programme.
This conference marks the end of the research programs under the Swiss enlargement contribution. New initiatives under the second Swiss contribution are currently being developed, in particular a call which will fund research collaborations amongst researchers from a number of EU Countries (including Croatia) and Switzerland. Programs in the health, civic engagement and water sectors will also be supported.
The Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme as part of the Swiss Contribution to selected EU member states, was officially launched in Warsaw on 12 December 2023. Over 300 representatives from Polish towns, the research and innovation community, civil society and the private sector attended the event.
The launch event concludes an intensive 18 months period of preparing the foundation of the new Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme. Until 2029, Switzerland is providing over CHF 320 million to Poland for reducing social and economic disparities, promoting bilateral cooperation and strengthening knowledge exchange.
“The Swiss-Polish Cooperation Programme has been jointly designed to create a positive long-term impact for Polish citizens and at the same time strengthen the ties between our two countries, enable lasting partnerships and promote the development of innovative solutions for a better world together”, said Ambassador Fabrice Filliez in his opening address.
Participants were presented with the funding opportunities in Poland in the coming years and had the chance to network and exchange ideas in view of the forthcoming calls for proposals. The Swiss Contribution in Poland is channelled through two programmes:
Development of Towns
CHF 278.7 million are dedicated to address the strategic needs of marginalized medium-sized Polish cities that are facing negative trends and challenges of different nature. Local authorities of selected cities will be assisted in developing and implementing long-term urban development strategies in close collaboration with citizens, civil society and the private sector for making these cities an inclusive and attractive place to live and work. The Programme furthermore aims to foster exchanges and partnerships with Swiss cities.
Research and Innovation
CHF 35 million are allocated for boosting research excellence as well as innovation capacities of Polish research institutions and the private sector in cooperation with Swiss and other international partners. The Programme offers funding opportunities for both basic and applied research projects.
The calls for applications in the Development of Towns Programme and Basic Research Programme are planned to be announced in January 2024. The first call for applications of the Applied Research Programme is scheduled for spring 2024.