On December 5th 2022, Switzerland and Poland concluded the Framework Agreement (FA) for the implementation of the second Swiss Contribution to Poland in the period 2023-2029. The Swiss-Polish Cooperation Program includes inter alia the Development of Towns (DoT) programme aimed at supporting medium sized towns at risk of losing their socio-economic functions. The Support Measure Agreement (SMA) setting out the terms and conditions governing the DoT-Programme has entered into force on 13th of October 2023.
The FA explicitly encourages partnerships and the exchange of expertise between Poland and Switzerland. The SMA stipulates, that such partnerships and exchange of expertise shall be fostered with the support of a Swiss Support Measure Partner (SSMP) as a contractual counterpart to the Association of Polish Cities (APC). APC is the Polish entity in charge of the dedicated advisory component (Support of Towns Component) included in the DoT-Programme.
In accordance with the FA and the SMA respectively, the Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) shall identify the SSMP through a competition procedure. The SMA provides the legal basis for this competition procedure.
The mandate of the SSMP comprises the mobilization of Swiss expertise on selected thematic topics in the frame of direct support to beneficiaries and thematic networks, co-organization of study visits to Switzerland for selected Polish actors and local government representatives, as well as facilitation of the establishment of bilateral partnerships between Swiss and Polish beneficiary towns on topics of common interest.
The mandate is envisaged to be implemented between November 2024 and April 2029 (54 months). The overall financial volume of the mandate amounts to CHF 1’261’000, comprising SSMP service costs (SSMP staff fees, travel and accommodation expenditures, audit costs) and fiduciary Project Funds (Swiss expert fees, travel and accommodation expenditures of Swiss experts, Swiss local government, cantonal or federal representatives, as well as other auxiliary costs related to study visits). The implementation of the mandate is governed by a Partnership Agreement (contract) to be concluded between the APC and the SSMP.
The competition procedure is open to all competitors fulfilling the requirements and criteria defined such as excellent knowledge of urban and regional development challenges and solutions in Switzerland, knowledge management and capacity building expertise, contacts access and ability to mobilize relevant actors, experts and networks in Switzerland, as well as administrative and contract management capacities.
Potential competitors interested to apply have to register by email to ssmp@seco.admin.ch. Please indicate the name and contact details (email) to whom the competition documentation shall be sent. The full competition documentation will be sent to interested bidders within 48 hours.
The competition documentation is made available to registered competitors only.
Deadline for written questions to be sent by email to ssmp@seco.admin.ch: 25.06.2024, 23:00 Swiss Time.
Publication of questions and answers anonymised via email to registered competitors: 04.07.2024
Deadline for submission of bids by email to ssmp@seco.admin.ch: 30.07.2024, 23:00 (Swiss Time). For submission by post/courier servicer please as well read intently chapter 9.4.2. of competition document.