Based on the Framework for Cooperation, Switzerland receives information on projects and programmes planned as part of European armaments cooperation, including research, education and training. This enables Switzerland to identify ad hoc projects, programmes and activities in which it wishes to participate and provide input into specific expert forums and research groups.
The Framework for Cooperation also enables Switzerland to identify developments in armaments and defence policy at an early stage, cement its positioning as a centre for research and technology, and build on the standard training and education programme for its armed forces. Working with EDA is therefore integral to Switzerland's armaments strategy, which sets out the basis for international cooperation to ensure access to security-related technologies and industrial core capabilities and capacities.
Armasuisse, the procurement and technology arm of the Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) coordinates Switzerland's cooperation with EDA.
The Framework for Cooperation does not require Switzerland to provide specific information or participate in specific EDA projects or programmes. Switzerland has full autonomy to decide whether or not to be involved in particular projects. To participate in a specific EDA project Switzerland must enter into a separate project agreement with all partner countries governing specific technical and administrative matters.