Gender-based violence, and domestic violence in particular, is one of the most widespread human rights violations in Mongolia. Since the 2000s, political and socio-economic transformations have destabilised the country, resulting – as in many other countries of the former Soviet Union – in a worrying increase in gender-based violence. Often linked to alcohol abuse, prostitution and lack of security, the phenomenon is widespread in mining towns but also affects urban, peri-urban and rural areas. Gender-based violence is a direct consequence of unequal relations between men and women. The SDC aims to promote gender equality in Mongolian society and governing institutions as an important precondition for the reduction of domestic violence.
Confronting and combating gender-based violence in Mongolia
Gender-based violence has been on the rise in Mongolia since the turn of the millennium. Yet because of a serious lack of data, the extent of the phenomenon is difficult to assess and a culture of impunity continues to hold sway. The SDC plans to conduct a national survey to address this problem. At the same time, it intends to strengthen institutions, put in place appropriate services and raise public awareness.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Mongolia |
Governance Gender
Legal and judicial development
Sexual & gender-based violence |
- 31.07.2020 |
CHF 4’090’000
- United Nations Population Fund
- National Statistical Office, General Police Authority, Ministry of Health and Sports, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Education, Science and Culture, Health Science University
- National Committee for Gender Equality, National Human Rights Commission
- Press institute, local NGO’s (NCAV, Monfemnet, Mongolian Men Association)
- Local authorities (Soum/Aimag/District/Koroo)
SDC: Youth Development Project, Education for Sustainable Development
UNICEF: Child right project
ADB: Gender equality project
- WB: Masculinity project
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Legal and judicial development
Ending violence against women and girls
Cross-cutting topics Human rights
The project also supports partner organisation improvements
Aid Type Project and programme contribution
Project number 7F09457
Background |
Mongolia has experienced tremendous societal change as a result of political and socio-economic transformation, affecting socio-cultural norms, dynamics of gender equality. International evidence shows that socio-economic instability contributes to increased risks of gender-based violence (GBV) and particularly domestic violence (DV). There are indicative signs that the incidence of GBV/DV in Mongolia is unacceptably high and probably on the raise. Despite the approval of the Law to Combat Domestic Violence in 2004, there is a general culture of impunity. |
Objectives |
To strengthen national capacity to combat gender-based violence, particularly domestic violence, in Mongolia. |
Target groups |
The beneficiaries are the general Mongolian public. Key target groups include GBV/DV victims and survivors, perpetrators and potential perpetrators of GBV/DV, policy and decision-makers, media workers and teachers. |
Medium-term outcomes |
Evidence on GBV/DV is generated and sustained for improved policy. Rights holders and duty bearers have a better understanding and a higher readiness to address GBV/DV. Multidisciplinary response to gender based and domestic violence in pilot aimags and districts strengthened. |
Results |
Expected results: Nationwide survey on GBV/DV prevalence, root causes and contributing factors is conducted and disseminated. Database on GBV/DV is strengthened and integrated among relevant agencies. Public awareness on GBV/DV and its consequences is improved. Support for legal frameworks to combat GBV/DV is increased. Victim protection and rehabilitation services are improved. Multidisciplinary service mechanism for GBV/DV victims/survivors established with effective functioning. Results from previous phases: No previous phase implemented. |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Credit area |
Development cooperation |
Project partners |
Contract partner United Nations Organization (UNO) Other partners |
Coordination with other projects and actors |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 4’090’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 4’130’857 |
Project phases |
Phase 2
- 31.07.2023
Phase 1 01.05.2016 - 31.07.2020 (Completed) |
Action based on a better understanding of the phenomenon
Mongolia is a signatory to most international agreements on human rights, including the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women. Yet despite the country’s adoption in 2004 of the Law to Combat Domestic Violence, a culture of impunity continues to prevail in Mongolia: a high number of cases are never reported, victims have no protection and means to combat this scourge are still virtually non-existent.
The ability to counter gender-based violence is limited by a lack of statistical data – data that are essential to understand the phenomenon, implement appropriate measures and follow them up. The SDC has therefore proposed carrying out a national survey on gender-based violence. While the survey is being conducted, the SDC will work to strengthen the state institutions responsibles and ensure that victims have access to the justice system. A partnership with the police, the judicial authorities, psychologists and medical assistance services will also be established. The SDC also plans to raise public awareness of this problem by calling upon the media and schools to cooperate and by encouraging victims to seek aid and report the perpetrators so they are brought to justice.