National Water Resources Management in Uzbekistan

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Project completed

This project aims at supporting the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources in the water management, by strengthening their capacities at local and central levels, by improving the management of water-related data within the country and by supporting the establishment of strategic and legislative framework conditions for the development of the water sector. To improve the prevention of flood-related disasters and the preparedness of the authorities and the population, a pilot project will be carried out on a small river shared by Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Central Asia
Agriculture & food security
Water sector policy
Agricultural policy
Agricultural water resources
Water diplomacy and security
01.09.2013 - 31.12.2019
CHF  2’000’000

In Uzbekistan, 90% of the water resources are used for agriculture. This provides work for 25% of the population and counts 17% of the GDP. Although the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources started to support the application of water saving techniques and to train farmers and basin management structures, needs are still big and the management of water resources is still inefficient. Equipment and infrastructute are not operated on the basis of efticient data sharing.

Disasters, such as flash floods and glacial lake outburstfloods continue to threaten the livelihood in small transboundary watetsheds of the South Fetgana Vailey, since the regional cooperation and information tlows across the borders are not weil organised, or even inexistent.


The overall goal of the project is to promote an integrated, transparent and needs-based water resources management and diminish water-related disaster risks.

Target groups

The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resource will directly benefit from the support given to its structure. The outreach will also hit the 50 Administrations for Irrigation System (AIS) in the country. As a result, the 1’500 Water Consumers’ Associations of the country will be provided with support. 

The strengthening of preparedness in the Shakhimardonsai watershed will protect potentially 10’000 households from floods and mudflows.

Medium-term outcomes
  • Appropriate strategic and legislative framework conditions allow an efficient development of the water sector
  • The Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources has a strategic vision to support the water managing institutions effectively and efficiently and to provide them with the necessary resources
  • A transparent mechanism for the exchange of water-related data and a decision support system compatible with the regional systems are introduced at ministry level
  • Collaboration and capacities of sub-basin organisations in a Small Transboundary Tributary of the Fergana Valley are enhanced, providing effective support to communities in reduction of disaster risks.

Expected results:  

  • The National Water Resources Strategy is drafted with multi-stakeholders inputs Coherent and comprehensive curriculum and training strategy for the MAWR is designed
  • The Administrations for Irrigation Systems (AIS) have trained staff
  • Data management models with their structure and processes are established
  • An early warning system, automated gates and communication devices are established and operational in the Shakhimardonsai watershed
  • Transboundary cooperation of the local water managers is resumed and water related information is exchanged

Results from previous phases:  

During the opening phase, two field missions with the relevant key specialists and a high level workshop (with deputy ministers of Uzbekistan and Kyrgyzstan) contributed to the commitment of the transboundary stakeholders for cooperation in reducing the disaster risks. Assessments, study reports and consultancies confirmed the needs of the Ministry of Agriculture and Water Resources (MAWR) to engage into the project. Especially the promotion of water measuring and decrease of conflicts among water users were confirmed as being the most relevant results of SDC’s interventions. During the preparation time, the key staff of the MAWR, the stakeholders involved in the water sector contributed in close cooperation to the project’s set-up.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe
Project partners Contract partner
Other International Organization
Private sector
  • Other OI
  • Foreign private sector South/East

Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    2’000’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    1’983’474
Project phases Phase 3 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027   (Current phase) Phase 2 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.09.2013 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)