Transboundary water management in Central Asia is a high priority for Switzerland. The availability of water resources in Central Asia is critical to the well-being and economic growth of the approximately 75 million people who call the region home. The majority of these water resources are shared by two or more countries. Switzerland started the Blue Peace Central Asia initiative in 2017 in response to the consequent, pressing need for a transboundary approach to managing the region's water resources.
With the support of the non-governmental organization Helvetas, dialogue between Tajikistan and Uzbekistan was facilitated, resulting in a bilateral framework for the joint rehabilitation and operation of transboundary hydroposts "Patar" and "Sarvak, the maintenance of equipment and the exchange and use of the generated data between the countries.
This pioneering transboundary water management project has received highest priority from both Governments.
“Automation of accounting and transmission to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan in real time of data on water flows at the Patar and Sarvat gauging stations will ensure more efficient management of water resources on transboundary canals, will increase trust between the parties by ensuring the receipt of prompt and reliable information.” – noted Daler Juma, Minister of Energy and Water Resources of the Republic of Tajikistan.
Also, Khamraev Shavkat, the Minister of Water Resources of the Republic of Uzbekistan highlighted: “Because of our achieved success, our countries have great potential for further development and strengthening joint benefit for transboundary water resources management"
“We live under one sky, under one God, drinking water from two great rivers Syrdarya and Amudarya, we have a common ancient history, culture and traditions, we can solve our common problems together. water is not for strife, but water for life and prosperity.” said Anvar Yakubi, deputy chairman of the Sughd region, Tajikistan.
For Switzerland, the inauguration of the stations marks an important step forward in regional collaboration. “This unique event demonstrates the political will and close transboundary cooperation of Tajikistan and Uzbekistan. With the second phase of the Blue Peace initiative that will start in September this year, we would like to bring forth very good opportunities to scale up similar activities in other areas, with all of Tajikistan’s neighbors.”-highlighted Salome Steib, Director of the Swiss Cooperation Office in Tajikistan.
“With increasing need and decreasing water availability, the transboundary cooperation is more important than ever”- added Rahel Bösch, Head of the Cooperation and the Swiss Regional Water Hub at the Embassy of Switzerland in Uzbekistan. These joint gauging stations are key – as “we cannot manage what we do not measure”.
Switzerland has been providing support to Tajikistan and Uzbekistan for their water reform processes with an Integrated Water Resources Management approach for almost twenty years at a national level. Additionally, Blue Peace Central Asia helps in building trust and setting a standard for regional cooperation to guarantee water security for the entire population of Central Asia.