During his first visit to this region, Ambassador Schmid expressed his satisfaction about the cooperation with the city of Novi Pazar. He also emphasized the strong interest of Switzerland in the region and that the Embassy is following the political developments closely.
As part of its long-term and substantial cooperation with Serbia, which currently celebrates its 30th anniversary, Switzerland has for a long time funded a number of significant projects in Novi Pazar in different domains. Swiss assistance to the local self-government includes fostering municipal financial management and effective collection of property tax as well as increasing transparency. Switzerland is also supporting Civil Society Organizations in improving citizen’s participation in public decision-making and access of young people to the labour market. The Swiss delegation seized the opportunity to meet representatives of Civil Society Organizations based in Novi Pazar for a substantive exchange.
In close cooperation with International Organizations like OSCE, UNDP and UNOPS, Switzerland has furthermore supported a number of smaller initiatives covering a wide range of issues like media development, youth participation, legal training and dialogue on democratization and fighting extremism.
During the first day of the visit, on February 28, together with Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Mining and Energy, Ms. Zorana Mihajlović, and the Mayor Mr. Bisevac, Ambassador Schmid participated in the ceremony of laying the foundation stone for the new District Heating Plant on Biomass in Novi Pazar. The new facility will contribute to a sustainable, efficient and reliable energy supply.