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Întrevederea Ambasadorului Massimo Baggi cu Ministrul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului și Turismului, Ștefan-Radu Oprea

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Excelența Sa Massimo Baggi, Ambasadorul Confederației Elvețiene în România, a avut luni, 30 octombrie 2023, o întrevedere cu Ministrul Economiei, Antreprenoriatului și Turismului, Ștefan-Radu Oprea în cadrul căreia s-au purtat discuții despre cooperarea economică dintre România şi Elveția.
Switzerland and Romania sign agreement on implementation of second Swiss contribution
Press releases
On Monday, 12 December, President Ignazio Cassis met with President Klaus Werner Iohannis and Prime Minister Nicolae Ciucă in Bucharest. President Cassis then signed an agreement on the implementation of the second Swiss contribution with Finance Minister Adrian Câciu. Under the agreement, Switzerland will provide CHF 221.5 million to finance various projects in Romania until 2029. Prior to visiting Bucharest, Mr Cassis had a working meeting with the President of the Republic of Moldova, Maia Sandu.
Second Swiss contribution: Federal Council approves implementation agreements between Switzerland and eight EU states

Press releases
The Federal Council approved the bilateral implementation agreements for the Swiss contribution to cohesion in Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Hungary, Malta, Romania and Poland on 31 August 2022. The agreements provide the basis for Switzerland's cooperation programmes in those areas where its support will add value. Now that the agreements have been approved, Switzerland can move into the operational stage.
No signing of Swiss–EU institutional agreement
Press releases
At its meeting on 26 May, the Federal Council undertook an overall evaluation of the outcome of the negotiations on the institutional framework agreement (InstA). It concluded that there remain substantial differences between Switzerland and the EU on key aspects of the agreement. The conditions are thus not met for the signing of the agreement. The Federal Council today took the decision not to sign the agreement, and communicated this decision to the EU. This brings the negotiations on the draft of the InstA to a close. The Federal Council nevertheless considers it to be in the shared interest of Switzerland and the EU to safeguard their well-established cooperation and to systematically maintain the agreements already in force. It therefore wishes to launch a political dialogue with the EU on continued cooperation. Meanwhile, it has tasked the Federal Department of Justice and Police (FDJP) to consider how autonomous amendments to Swiss legislation might contribute to the stabilisation of Swiss–EU relations.
Contribution to the enlarged EU: programmes in Bulgaria and Romania come to a close

Schweizer Beitrag
Over the last ten years, Switzerland has provided CHF 257 million from its enlargement contribution to support projects in Bulgaria and Romania. The two countries joined the European Union (EU) in 2007. The contribution aimed to reduce economic and social disparities in Europe and within Bulgaria and Romania. The 93 projects, which came to a close in December 2019, have achieved good results. Switzerland's support contributes to greater stability in Europe, which is also in the country's interests.
Switzerland's enlargement contribution to Bulgaria and Romania comes to a close

Press releases
Over the last ten years, Switzerland has provided CHF 257 million from its enlargement contribution to support projects in Bulgaria and Romania. The two countries joined the European Union (EU) in 2007. The contribution aimed to reduce economic and social disparities in Europe and within Bulgaria and Romania. The 93 projects, which came to a close in December 2019, have achieved good results. Switzerland's support contributes to greater stability in Europe, which is also in the country's interests.
Green investments in Romania

Schweizer Beitrag
The Romanian city of Cluj-Napoca has launched a programme to improve its energy efficiency. In support of the programme, Switzerland has funded the energy-efficient renovation of school buildings, the installation of several thousand LED lights on the city's streets and the purchase of electric buses – making a significant contribution to climate change mitigation and improving the quality of life of the city's population.
25 years of invaluable support for the Romanian emergency services

Schweizer Beitrag
More than 25 years have passed since Switzerland started to support Romania in developing its emergency services. Much has been achieved thanks to Switzerland's systematic funding, creativity and innovative strength.
2018 annual report on Switzerland's contribution to the enlarged EU

Schweizer Beitrag
The 2018 annual report on Switzerland's contribution to the enlarged EU presents the results achieved in the last three remaining country programmes that are still under way: mine clearance in Croatia, the promotion of SMEs in Romania and the delivery of decommissioned trams from Basel to Bulgaria. Parliament is currently deciding on the future of the enlargement contribution. In principle, it has approved a second Swiss contribution to selected EU member states.
Strengthening the competitiveness of Romanian SMEs

Schweizer Beitrag
Switzerland supports around 80 Romanian organic farms and wood furniture producers in marketing their products internationally. State Secretary Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch visited an agricultural enterprise that has benefited from Swiss training and advice to improve the marketing of its organic sea buckthorn products.
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis visits Romania and Bulgaria

Schweizer Beitrag
Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis' trip focused on talks with high-ranking government representatives on bilateral issues, European policy and cooperation to date within the framework of Switzerland's contribution to the enlarged EU. In order to obtain an overview of work on the ground he also visited two projects partly funded by Switzerland's enlargement contribution.
One billion well invested

Schweizer Beitrag
The ten countries that joined the EU in 2004 have completed their projects under the enlargement contribution. SECO and the SDC have taken stock of the last decade and published the results in their 2017 annual report. The projects have made a significant contribution to reducing economic and social disparities in Europe. Switzerland was also able to use its expertise to make a meaningful contribution to a number of projects.