FDFA welcomes the outcome of the 34th International Conference of the Red Cross and Red Crescent

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Press releases, 31.10.2024

Gathered in Geneva, 2,200 delegates from all over the world approved five resolutions aimed at strengthening humanitarian action in a world of constant change, where humanitarian needs are immense. The work, in which Switzerland actively participated, focused on compliance with international humanitarian law (IHL).

The International Conference came to a close after four days of intensive discussions between representatives of the 196 States Parties to the Geneva Conventions and of the components of the Movement: the 191 National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies, the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC), and the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC). Approved resolutions will serve to promote respect for international humanitarian law, strengthen the role of local communities in humanitarian action, and better manage, coordinate, and anticipate the impacts of natural disasters. “The conference took place in a constructive atmosphere, with humanitarian action and local actors at the center of discussions,” said Director of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDC Patricia Danzi, who was keen to emphasize that compliance with IHL is not an option, but an obligation.

The importance of National Societies

National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies are the backbone of humanitarian action, directly connecting with people in need. To strengthen their capacities, the SDC and the Swiss Red Cross signed a memorandum of understanding with IFRC to support and develop humanitarian action at the local level.

Protecting civilians in cyber space as well

Warfare in the digital world was also a key topic at the Conference. Digital activities can endanger civilians as well as other protected assets, for example by damaging essential infrastructure designed to cover basic needs, such as hospitals. Among the five resolutions that were adopted, one highlights the contribution of international humanitarian law in protecting civilian persons and property from these dangers.

“Humanitarian principles were the cornerstone around which the work developed”, emphasized the Conference's Secretary-General, Swiss diplomat Jürg Lauber, who paid tribute to the Movement's unifying role, on an international stage characterized by considerable instability.

Further information:

« Gérer l’incertitude – renforcer l’humanité » (fr) - Opening Address by Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis, Head of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA)

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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs