Switzerland takes on protecting power mandate for Ecuador and Venezuela

Press releases, 19.12.2024

At the request of the Ecuadorian government, Switzerland will represent Ecuador's interests in relation to Venezuela. On 19 December 2024, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis signed the applicable agreement with Ecuador's ambassador to Switzerland, Verónica Bustamante Ponce. In taking on this role, Switzerland is ensuring that diplomatic and consular channels between the two countries remain open. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were severed following the Venezuelan presidential elections in July 2024. Diplomatic tensions between the two countries had been building prior to this.

Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis signs an agreement with Ecuador's ambassador to Switzerland, Verónica Bustamante Ponce.
On 19 December 2024, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis signed the applicable agreement with Ecuador's ambassador to Switzerland, Verónica Bustamante Ponce. © FDFA

Protecting power mandates are one of the instruments used by Switzerland in providing its good offices. This involves Switzerland taking on some of a state's consular and/or diplomatic functions where ties between two countries have been cut in whole or in part. Protecting power mandates allow states to maintain low-level relations.

In future, Switzerland will represent Ecuador's diplomatic and consular interests in relation to Venezuela. Today, Federal Councillor Ignazio Cassis and Ecuador's ambassador to Switzerland, Verónica Bustamante Ponce, signed the applicable agreement between Switzerland and Ecuador in Bern, which will ensure that diplomatic channels are kept open through the Swiss embassies in Quito and Caracas. Consular functions will be performed by a section established to safeguard Ecuador's interests, which is legally attached to the Swiss embassy and based on the premises of the Ecuadorian embassy in Caracas.

Diplomatic tensions between Ecuador and Venezuela had been building throughout 2024 before being cut off completely following the Venezuelan presidential elections held on 28 July.

Switzerland's tradition of good offices

When a protecting power mandate is requested or accepted, this is always indicative of trust that has built up over many years of close cooperation between Switzerland and the countries concerned. Switzerland has a long-standing tradition of exercising protecting power mandates. It is currently exercising seven other such mandates alongside the mandates for Ecuador and Venezuela. Switzerland has represented Iranian interests in Egypt since 1979 and US interests in Iran since 1980, has acted as a protecting power for Russia and Georgia since 2009, and represented Iranian interests in Canada since 2019. Since 2024, Switzerland has also represented Ecuador's interests in Mexico and Mexico's interests in Ecuador.

Further information:

Switzerland's good offices

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CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
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Federal Department of Foreign Affairs