Detailed information on the charter flights
We call on Swiss citizens currently traveling in the region to return to Switzerland as soon as possible. Otherwise, you might get blocked in the country you are currently in for the near future.
Since it is currently almost impossible to travel to Europe from Laos by commercial flight, Switzerland is organising a charter flight on 5th of April 2020 for the return journey to Switzerland.
Please be aware that this is the only charter flight organized by Switzerland departing Lao PDR, and that no further options will be provided.
In order to register definitive bookings, we require the following information from all passengers:
1. Name, first name(s)
3. Date of birth
4. Passport number / Residence permit in Switzerland
5. Validity of the passport or residence permit in Switzerland
6. Phone number where you can be reached at any time
Following your registration, we will inform you of the details of your flight as soon as possible.
Arrival and accommodation in Vientiane
We recommend you arrive in Vientiane no later than Saturday evening, April 4, 2020. Many hotels in Vientiane have closed due to the current situation. One option is the "Grand Hotel Vientiane" which is currently still open (Tel: +856 21 410 275).
Journey to the international airport in Vientiane
It is your own responsibility to travel to Vientiane as soon as possible, and to reach the international airport in Vientiane in time for the departure of the charter flight. At the moment taxis are driving normally in Vientiane. Please check this again on Saturday to guarantee your arrival at the airport, otherwise check with the hotel to see what alternative solution they can offer you.
The exact cost is not yet known. It is based on a normal price for a ticket on this route under normal circumstances. Upon return to Switzerland, the cost for the tickets will be invoiced to all passengers. Before the flight, all passengers are required to sign a declaration of commitment to bear the costs of the flight tickets.
Older persons, families with small children, and persons with health challenges, will have first priority for the charter flight. Thereafter, seat allocation will ensue based on the order of definitive registrations we receive.
Please note that no health certificate is required to board on this flight.
Persons showing typical symptoms of COVID-19 are not allowed to fly, according to the guidelines from the Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH).
In case you know of other Swiss travellers in Lao PDR who wish to return to Switzerland, please pass on this information to them as well.
Travel Admin App: please register!
If you are currently travelling in the region as a tourist or on a business trip (not meant for permanent residents), please register on Travel Admin App (Itineris) so that you can be contacted by the relevant Swiss Embassy if necessary. Please make sure that the date of your trip are up-to-date and once you have returned to Switzerland, please delete your trip in the App.