Noncommunicable diseases (NCDs) are chronic, slowly progressing diseases. These include cardiovascular diseases, cancer, lung diseases and diabetes. According to the Ministry of Health, in 2022, cardiovascular diseases were the leading cause of death (52.1%), followed by cancer (12.2%) and respiratory diseases (5.5%). Common preventable risk factors for NCDs are unhealthy diet (in particular, high salt intake, insufficient consumption of fruits and vegetables), tobacco use and alcohol abuse, as well as insufficient physical activity.
The main goal of the health month is to attract men in Kyrgyzstan to primary health facilities to prevent noncommunicable diseases, detect them at early stages and avoid complications. During last year's campaign, more than 367,000 men visited primary health care organizations nationwide. Among them, 79,000 men had never visited a primary health care organization or had visited one for the first time in the last 3 years. The total coverage of men visited health facilities amounted to 20% of the total number of men over 18 years of age residing in the country. This shows the impactful reach and effectiveness of the campaign.
In 2019 the health campaign was conducted for the first time in the framework of the Swiss funded project "Effective management and prevention of noncommunicable diseases in Kyrgyzstan". Given the success and impact of the campaign, in 2023 the Ministry of Health issued an order to organize the month of February countrywide on an annual basis.