As a first port of call, Federal Councillor Cassis will visit the Olympic Village on 30 July, where he will meet Swiss athletes and see the facilities available to the Swiss delegation. In the afternoon, he will attend various sports competitions, followed by other fixtures and events on 31 July.
2024 Paris Olympic Games
Mr Cassis' presence at the Olympic venues affirms Switzerland's support for its athletes and its deep commitment to international events. The Olympic Games play a special role in international relations, strengthening ties between nations and promoting cooperation and mutual respect. Switzerland is home to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and over seventy international sports federations and organisations. The Olympic and Paralympic Games therefore have huge significance for Switzerland and its international image.
Maison Suisse at the Olympics
On the evening of 30 July, Mr Cassis will visit the Maison Suisse in Paris, where he will give a speech and meet partners working with the Maison Suisse. Leading up to Swiss National Day on 1 August, he will also meet members of the Swiss community living in France. The event, which is open to everyone, will be an enjoyable social gathering for friends of Switzerland.
The Maison Suisse, which is located in the gardens of the Swiss embassy in Paris, is run by Presence Switzerland at the FDFA, which implements and shapes Switzerland's communications abroad. With the involvement of the cantons and private sector, it will serve as a temporary platform to raise Switzerland's profile in areas such as business, culture and innovation. The Maison Suisse, which is accessible to all free of charge, will operate as a meeting place and hospitality venue, showcasing Switzerland's diversity and celebrating friendship, sport and Franco–Swiss relations.
Further information:
Address for enquiries:
FDFA Communication
Federal Palace West Wing
CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland
Tel. Press service: +41 58 460 55 55
E-mail: kommunikation@eda.admin.ch
Twitter: @SwissMFA