Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K)
Switzerland assists water sector related governments, civil society and private sector stakeholders in Kosovo in the development/implementation of a national integrated and sustainable water resources management framework. Support activities combined with capacity development and awareness building will contribute to enhanced conservation, protection, quality and equitable distribution of water resources. Thus the project also contributes to good governance, reduced risks of internal and transboundary water-related conflicts, the mitigation of climate change impact as well to enhanced the health of the population.
Paese/Regione | Tema | Periodo | Budget |
Kosovo |
Acqua nothemedefined
Politica del settore idrico
- 30.04.2029 |
CHF 9’078’000
- Alignment of Kosovo's water policy and planning framework with EU standards achieved.
- Implementation of RMBPs and Programmes of Measures (PoM) are catalyzed (incl. scaling up pilots to reduce water pollution).
- Harmonization of the regulatory framework and institutional capacity for IWRM accomplished.
- Capacity for interrelated water monitoring and information systems application is enhanced.
- Continuous development of water resources management knowledge and skills institutionalized.
- A highly participatory approach to water resource management is achieved as a new norm.
- Nation-wide awareness of water related issues and stakeholder mobilization in IWRM are enhanced.
- Under the lead of the Ministry of Environment 4 RBMPs in line with EU guidelines developed (covering entire Kosovo; 1 supported by Sweden).
- Institutional capacity building resulted in the development of a national water information systems, the launch of a IWRM M.Sc. program and the training of 350 people representing key IWRM stakeholders in Kosovo.
- Establishment of Multi-stakeholder participation mechanism fostering inclusive water management.
- 22 new CSOs contributed to successful stakeholder mobilization and promoting a more democratic approach to water management.
- Successful pilots contributed to the reduction of water pollution by 90 farmers and 6 industrial operators, which simultaneously improved their operational performance.
- Settore privato svizzero
- The consortium Skat Consulting Ltd. (Switzerland) and the Environment Agency Austria (EAA)
Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE APPROVVIGIONAMENTO IDRICO E IGIENIZZAZIONE DELLE ACQUE
Sotto-Settore in base alle categorie del Comitato di Aiuto allo sviluppo (DAC) dell'OCSE Politica dell'acqua e gestione amministrativa
Temi trasversali Il progetto promuove la biodiversità.
Il progetto sostiene anche miglioramenti nell'organizzazione partner
Tipo di aiuto Mandato con fondo fiduciario
Mandato senza fondo fiduciario
Numero del progetto 7F09849
Contesto | Kosovo is considered as a water stressed country with less than 1’600 m3 of water/capita/year (threshold 1’700m3). Considering the ongoing negative impacts of climate change, low water use efficiency, water pollution and the growing water demand for economic development and urbanization needs, the situation is expected to further deteriorate. Phase I of the Swiss supported IWRM-K contributed to integrated water management government reforms and planning capacities of water sector stakeholders as well as to pilot investments for reducing water pollution and enhancing water use efficiency. Phase II of the project will focus on the implementation of reform policies and River Basins Management Plans (RBAs) developed in phase I, as well as the scaling up of the successful pilots in other areas of the country. |
Obiettivi | A functional integrated water resources management framework for the protection, quality, sustainable use and equitable allocation of water resources is established, contributing to the improved socio-economic wellbeing and population health, to preserved resources and to reduced risks of internal and transboundary water-related conflicts. |
Gruppi target |
The ultimate beneficiary is the population of Kosovo in terms of sustainable access to good quality water resources. Direct target groups are: Macro-level: national institutions, primarily Ministry of Environment Spatial Planning and Infrastructure (MESPI) and subordinated institutions (i.e. River Basin District Authority, Environment Protection Agency, Hydro-meteorological Institute) in fulfilling their role in IWRM. Meso-level: multiple stakeholders, such as municipalities, regional water companies, public irrigation companies, and private sector stakeholders, in the process of continued revision and implementation of RBMPs. Micro-level: citizens and CSOs in raising awareness on IWRM, enabling them to participate in the sustainable planning and management of water resources. |
Effetti a medio termine |
Outcome 1: Kosovo institutions and other relevant stakeholders establish the framework for long-term equitable allocation of good quality freshwater resources. Outcome 2: Authorities at central and local level are able to protect and manage water resources in an informed and inclusive manner. Outcome 3: Citizens, civil society organizations and private sector actively engage in a dialogue on use of water resources and environment related issues. |
Risultati |
Risultati principali attesi: Risultati fasi precedenti: Switzerland is recognized as competent and reliable long-term partner and donor coordination leader in the water sector of Kosovo. With its support to the water sector institutional reforms, its substantial investments in improving water supply services, as well as its reliable engagement in the sector since 1998, Switzerland substantially contributed to a water supply coverage in Kosovo of 92%. Specific achievements of IWRM-K Phase I include: |
Direzione/Ufficio responsabile |
Credito |
Cooperazione con l'Europa dell'Est |
Partner del progetto |
Partner contrattuale Economia privata |
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori | SDC supported WB FLOWS Project; RCDN + SDC Regional program; Utilities of the Future, SECO Regional program; SECO contribution to EBRD CD WWTP; SECO project on Improving Climate Resilience of Water Utilities in Kosovo |
Budget | Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF 9’078’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF 800’000 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget Svizzera CHF 9’946’202 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF 20’000’000 |
Fasi del progetto | Fase 2 01.05.2024 - 30.04.2029 (Fase in corso) Fase 1 01.10.2018 - 30.04.2024 (Completed) |