Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform
- 31.10.2028
The Swiss Sustainable Coffee Platform (SSCP) is a multi-stakeholder initiative, comprising the Swiss coffee sector, including traders, roasters and retailers, as well as non-profit organizations and academia to promote sustainability along the coffee value chain.
Global Eco-Industrial Parks Program, Phase II
- 31.12.2028
Industry accounts for a significant portion of global emissions, and has wide-reaching environmental and community impacts. The transformation of Industrial Parks (IPs) to Eco-Industrial Parks (EIPs) can make a significant contribution to Resource Efficient Cleaner Production, avoidance of waste and reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Swiss Skills for Competitiveness (SS4C) Program
- 31.12.2027
The program aims at strengthening the competitiveness of the Indonesian private sector by improving the skills of Indonesia’s workforce to match industry needs. It builds capacities of public and private vocational education and training service providers and fosters collaboration among those actors to create a more effective ecosystem.
Accelerating Regulatory & Financial Innovation in Indonesia
- 31.12.2026
SECO, Financial Innovation for Impact, the Cambridge Center for Alternative Finance and the Gates foundation partner to implement the Accelerating Regulatory & Financial Innovation in Indonesia Program. The program supports an enabling regulatory environment for digital financial services that benefits innovative companies and protects consumers.
Sustainable Landscape Program Indonesia
- 31.12.2026
Redesigning how Indonesia produces agricultural commodities is central to slowing deforestation, climate change and reducing poverty.
- 31.12.2027
The project will support the Government of Indonesia to improve reliable access to safe water in Indonesian cities and thereby promote socio-economic opportunities. It will do so through direct support to public water utilities, the development of higher education training programs for utility staff, and water policy advice at national level.
Nature Finance 2.0
- 31.12.2026
The Nature Finance 2.0 project aims to enhance commercial banks and regulators' capacity to manage natural capital risks and opportunities. These institutions in turn set the market conditions for the ‘real economy’ sectors that they finance or regulate, shifting incentives toward sustainability.
Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP), 2023-2027
- 31.12.2027
Global Water Security and Sanitation Partnership (GWSP), 2023-2027
City Resilience Program, Phase II
- 31.12.2027
The City Resilience Program scales up the resilience of cities against adverse impacts of disasters and climate change. It does so by supporting risk-informed und multisector planning efforts, identify suitable interventions and investments that enhance the resilience of cities, and supports their bankability and access multiple financing sources.
Global Quality and Standards Programme (GQSP), Phase II
- 01.12.2027
The Global Quality and Standard Programme (GQSP) Phase II facilitates market access by improving capacities of SMEs to comply with quality and compliance requirements in destination markets.
Global Financial Infrastructure Programme, Phase II
- 31.12.2029
The Global Financial Infrastructure Programme fosters financial inclusion of individuals and responsible access to finance for SMEs through financial infrastructure reforms in SECO and SDC partner countries. It focuses on strengthening credit information systems, secured transaction reforms, as well as insolvency and debt resolution.
Private Infrastructure Development Group, Phase VIII
- 30.06.2026
PIDG is an innovative infrastructure project development and investment institution, which mobilizes private investment in sustainable and inclusive infrastructure in sub-Saharan Africa and South and Southeast Asia.