Embassy Accra
Address | Embassy of Switzerland Hilla Limann Hwy / Kenneth Kaunda Rd North Ridge Area Accra Ghana |
Postal address | Embassy of Switzerland P.O. Box 359 GPO Accra Ghana |
Phone |
Headquarters +233 30 222 81 25 Headquarters +233 30 222 81 85 SECO +233 302 248 226 SECO +233 302 225 008 |
Headquarters accra@eda.admin.ch Visa Section accra.visa@eda.admin.ch Economic Section accra.economicsection@eda.admin.ch | |
Link |
http://www.eda.admin.ch/accra |
Consular district | Ghana, Benin, Togo and São Tomé e Príncipe |
Additional information
Social Media
Consular activities and Visa