Past events (56)
'I Choose Vocational Education and Training' campaign moves to Vlora
Friday, 13.05.2016
Friday, 13.05.2016
Event accessible to journalists
The Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth together with Swiss-funded initiatives are conducting a campaign to promote vocational education.
Location: Shkolla Pavarësia, Vlorë, Albania
Opening of the National Museum of Photography "Marubi"
Monday, 09.05.2016
Monday, 09.05.2016
Cultural event
The new National Museum of Photography "Marubi" will be inaugurated on May 9th
Location: Rruga Kolë Idromeno, Shkodër
Pop folk concert with Christian Tschanz and Andreas Sigrist
Tuesday, 22.03.2016
Tuesday, 22.03.2016
Christian Tschanz and Andreas Sigrist bring their version of pop folk in Tirana
Location: Teatri Eksperimental, tek Pedonalja, Tiranë
Swiss Ambassador to visit Berat for infrastructure investments
Thursday, 03.03.2016
Thursday, 03.03.2016
Event accessible to journalists; Meeting of members of government and members of other authorities
Two Swiss-funded infrastructure investments will be the main theme for Swiss Ambassador's visit in Berat
Location: Berat, Albania
New touristic services to be awarded fund prizes in Gjirokastër
Friday, 26.02.2016
Friday, 26.02.2016
Event accessible to journalists
Competition awards for best new tourism projects in Gjirokastër
Location: Hotel Çajupi, Gjirokastër, Albania
Swiss conductor Mario Schwartz performs Rossini and Beethoven

Friday, 29.01.2016
Friday, 29.01.2016
Concert with the Symphonic Orchestra of Albanian Radio Television
Location: University of Arts, Tirana
Fighting Electoral Corruption in Albania: Conference on Reforming Elections
Tuesday, 26.01.2016
Tuesday, 26.01.2016
Countries; Conference
The Coalition of Local Observers will bring together the President, the Speaker of Parliament, the Prime Minister, and the opposition's leader, to discuss the necessity for an in-depth and inclusive electoral reform in Albania.
Location: Hotel Tirana International, Balsha Room
Publication of studies on youth and the elderly in Albania
Wednesday, 25.11.2015
Wednesday, 25.11.2015
Event accessible to journalists
Publication of studies on youth and the elderly in Albania
Location: Tirana International Hotel, Classic Hall, 3d floor
Study visit by local governance experts from Georgia and Armenia
Monday, 23.11.2015
Friday, 27.11.2015
Working visit
A group of local governance experts from Swiss Embassies and implementing partners in Georgia and Armenia are visiting Albania and Kosovo
Swiss-Albanian film "Across the Sea" at Millennium Cinema

Saturday, 31.10.2015
Saturday, 31.10.2015
Swiss-Albanian film "Across the Sea" at Millennium Cinema
Location: Millennium Cinema, Tirana, Albania
Theater performance of Lukas Bärfuss' "The sexual Neuroses of our Parents“
Friday, 30.10.2015
Friday, 30.10.2015
"The sexual Neuroses of our Parents“ - a theater performance based on the drama by Swiss author Lukas Bärfuss
Location: National Theater, Tirana, Albania
Literature and music from Germany, Switzerland and Austria

Friday, 16.10.2015
Friday, 16.10.2015
Countries; Concert
Swiss-Albanian jazz pianist Gjon Guralumi will play a concert with his band
Location: Tulla Culture Centre, Tirana, Albania
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Last update 19.12.2018