Developing more resilient and inclusive education systems is one of the priorities of the current Polish presidency of the Council of the European Union. Inclusive high-quality education should lead to greater social cohesion and help young people become active citizens. At their meeting in Warsaw, the education ministers discussed, among other things, the preventative nature of inclusive education, the challenges involved and various strategies for effective implementation.
During discussions, SERI Deputy Director Rémy Hübschi underscored the great importance of equal opportunities in Swiss education policy. In recent years, there has been significant progress made in achieving more inclusive education in Switzerland. However, challenges still remain, particularly with regard to resource allocation. Switzerland is therefore keen to learn from the experiences and good practices of other European countries.
Address for enquiries:
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation SERI
+41 58 485 67 74
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research