Core Contribution to International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM)

Progetto concluso

The International Fund for Public Interest Media (IFPIM) is an innovative, independent, multilateral financing vehicle to mobilise additional resources at scale in support of the resilience, development and independence of public interest media in low- and middle-income countries, where they often face existential threat with grave implications for democracy and development. SDC’s support will leverage Switzerland’s engagement for freedom of expression and democracy.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Media e libertà di informazione
01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024
CHF  2’500’000
Area di competenza

While the challenges to public interest media are global, IFPIM is the only fund that addresses the specific challenges in fragile, low and middle-income countries. These countries concentrate the most intense market failure confronting independent media with very limited viable business models. Independent media risks disappearing with grave consequences for the democratic foundations and developments of these countries.

The Fund is intended to complement and augment existing donor support by catalyzing new money as a globally coordinated but fully independent vehicle. The Fund has a time frame of 10 years to address the systemic challenges and promote innovation and learning. IFPIM will play a convening role and fill the gap in coordination between development and media stakeholder.

The location of the IFPIM secretariat has not yet been defined. Geneva is amongst the options. IFPIM is in contact with the relevant persons in Geneva and within the FDFA (host state regulations).

Priorità strategiche della Svizzera e dell'organizazione e loro coerenza

The Swiss contribution to the IFPIM contributes to the objective 4 on peace, governance and rule of law of the Swiss Strategy for International Cooperation 2021-2024, and it is enshrined in the SDG 16 (16.10). Freedom of expression and independent media is likewise a thematic priority of the Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) and its work to promote democracy.

For SDC, media development support is an integral part of its engagement for democratic and accountable governance and has gained importance in view of democratic decline, rising authoritarianism and shrinking political spaces for civil society and media alike.

The support to IFPIM is a Swiss commitment for the Summit for Democracy in December (2021–2022). It will strengthen the synergies between the Swiss peace, human rights and development policies and substantially raise the Swiss profile on media freedom and democracy support.

Risultati dell'impegno dell'organizzazione nella fase precedente

During IFPIM’s phase 0 (set up, fundraise, prepare for launch) IFPIM achieved important results and milestones:

  • Major progress in socializing of the Fund’s concept, including securing significant initial political and financial support for the Fund
  • A detailed feasibility study for IFPIM (2020) and a consultation in partnership with the Global Forum on Media Development regarding short-term priorities for IFPIM (January 2022)
  • An interim functional structure able to receive and allocate funds with best practice financial management and reporting has been established through the partnership with Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
  • Co-chairs appointed (2021 Nobel Peace Prize winner and CEO of Rappler Maria Ressa and former CEO of New York Times and BBC, Mark Thompson)
  • Launch of an initial, small-scale, open call for our first round of funding (May – September 2022)
Risultati dell'impegno svizzero nella fase precedente No previous partnership phase has taken place so far. Through the present Entry Proposal cum Credit Proposal, Switzerland intends to start and establish a partnership with IFPIM.
Effetti a medio termine ottenuti dall'attuale impegno dell'organizzazione

Objective 1 - Resource Mobilisation: IFPIM is on track to launch with at least $80 million of funding pledged and $60 million deployed in grant funding to support critical stakeholders in low-, and middle-income countries to make a meaningful impact on media in selected countries during its proof-of-concept phase.

Objective 2 - Grant making: IFPIM provides a first series of grants to independent media in each of IFPIM’s priority regions.

Objective 3 - Institutional development: IFPIM’s organisational structure promotes good governance and allows IFPIM to remain focused on delivery against its mandate.

Objective 4 - Learning: IFPIM develops collective learning across the community of donors and media development organisations on what works in supporting independent public interest media and addressing systemic challenges.

Objective 5 - Communication and partnerships: Complementing existing media support efforts, establishing strong collaborative working relationships and building legitimacy in low- and middle-income countries.

Effetti a medio termine ottenuti dall'attuale impegno svizzero

SDC will ensure IFPIM policy and grant support will build on sound contextual understanding of media support.

As member of the donor liaison committee, SDC will closely accompany IFPIM’s set up of its organizational structure. SDC will promote Geneva as host country for IFPIM.

SDC will ensure that IFPIM’s ‘what work unit’ collaborates with the relevant stakeholders, in particular with the SDC’s supported IMPACT project of GFMD.

SDC will ensure that Switzerland is positioned as credible actor for media freedom internationally. SDC will support IFPIM to establish itself as a recognized legitimate and key player in the countries it operates.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
ONG internazionale o straniera
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • International Fund for Public Interest Media

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    2’500’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    2’300’000 Budget dell'organizzazione CHF    74’108’000

Bilateral: US, Taiwan (confirmed), F, DK, Spain, NOR, UK, SWE, GER, a.o. preparing

Other foundations, tech companies

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori

SDC will be member of the Board / Donor Liaison Committee; close coordination with GFMD (IMPACT project) and Fondation Hirondelle (SDC partners); DAC GovNet on Media Development Principles

Fasi del progetto Fase 2 01.01.2025 - 31.12.2028   (Fase in corso)

Fase 1 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)