Riduzione della povertà attraverso la prevenzione di conflitti e disastri

Due Bambini su un carro di cotone
La coltura del cotone è un settore importante e una delle catene di valore aggiunto essenziali per l’economia del Kirghizistan. © DSC

I conflitti, la violenza e le violazioni dei diritti umani sono tra le principali sfide in materia di lotta contro la povertà e la fragilità in senso lato. Le fragilità di uno Stato sono caratterizzate dall’incapacità del governo di garantire la sicurezza dei cittadini e di assicurare i servizi pubblici di base, oltre che dall’assenza di una relazione costruttiva tra governo e popolazione.

Più di 40 Paesi in tutto il mondo, per un totale di circa 1,5 miliardi di abitanti, presentano situazioni di fragilità o sono dilaniati da violenze e conflitti. Entro il 2030, oltre l’80% dei poveri del pianeta potrebbe trovarsi a vivere in contesti fragili se non si intraprendono sin da ora azioni più concertate.

La fragilità rappresenta un grave ostacolo alla realizzazione dell’Agenda 2030 per uno sviluppo sostenibile. Per lottare contro la fragilità è importante comprenderne tutte le sfaccettature ed elaborare approcci differenziati secondo i contesti tenendo conto dell’intero spettro delle problematiche, comprese quelle più delicate e sensibili.

Agire nei contesti fragili

La Svizzera intensifica il proprio impegno allo scopo di prevenire e gestire le conseguenze di crisi, catastrofi e fragilità. Il suo obiettivo è assegnare la metà dei propri aiuti bilaterali ai contesti caratterizzati da conflitti o fragilità.

Le attività della DSC nei contesti fragili

Le attività della Svizzera si iscrivono nell’ambito della promozione di società pacifiche, eque e inclusive. Il nostro Paese si impegna direttamente a favore del principio del «non lasciare indietro nessuno» (leave no one behind).

Caratteristiche dei contesti fragili

Gli Stati e le regioni fragili sono caratterizzati da istituzioni deboli, elevati livelli di povertà, violenza, corruzione e arbitrio. Le fragilità sono riscontrabili sia nel contesto dello sviluppo e della transizione sia in quello delle crisi umanitarie.

Promuovere società pacifiche e inclusive

Focus su SDG 16+ per promuovere società pacifiche, eque e inclusive per uno sviluppo sostenibile e per combattere i conflitti.

Prevenzione dei conflitti e di tutte le forme di violenza

La prevenzione dei conflitti violenti ha lo scopo di evitare eventuali nuovi conflitti e di impedire l’insorgere di nuovi focolai di violenza. Consiste non solo nell’impedire le crisi, ma anche nell’affrontarne le cause.


Progetti attuali

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 373

FSD Mine and UXO clearance in Kharkiv and Kherson Oblasts (MUCKKO)

01.12.2024 - 31.08.2027

This phase 02 of the project of Fondation suisse de déminage (FSD) deploys the full range of mine action activities, to identify the threat of contamination, clear unexploded ordnance and mines, and educate the population to the risks. It resorts to Swiss innovation, mechanical demining machines and dogs. It builds on phase 01, gaining scale in both Kharkiv and Kherson regions and adding a strong component of building local capacity through mentorship of a Ukrainian NGO.

Programme D’Accès à l’Information pour une Citoyenneté Engagée (ALICE)

20.11.2024 - 31.10.2027

La peur de se faire enlever, emprisonner ou interdire d’activités, a réduit au silence la plupart des contrepouvoirs. Les populations participent peu aux débats et sont exposées à cause du manque de contenus pertinents dans les médias et la désinformation. Avec ALICE, la Suisse consolide son partenariat avec les médias en offrant une information crédible, des espaces de dialogues inclusifs et une éducation des citoyens aux médias sociaux pour combattre la désinformation.

Projet d’appui au renforcement de la résilience et la cohésion sociale dans la Région de Diffa, PROARRCS

15.11.2024 - 14.11.2027

A Diffa, les effets des changements climatiques et l’avènement des groupes armés non étatiques depuis 2015 entrainent une insécurité alimentaire croissante. Les dispositifs de la gestion des conflits sur le foncier ne sont pas fonctionnels. La Suisse contribue à renforcer la cohésion sociale et asseoir les bases pour le renforcement de la résilience des populations à travers la redynamisation des structures locales de gestion de conflits et un soutien aux moyens d’existence.

Nigeria, UNICEF, Improved access to quality reintegration services for children and women formerly associated with non-state armed groups in Northeast Nigeria.

01.11.2024 - 31.10.2026

Thousands of children and women have exited areas controlled by non-state armed groups in Northeast Nigeria since 2021. The project provides temporary shelter and basic services and  longer-term socio-economic reintegration to this group of civilians and other vulnerable individuals through a package of  multisectoral  assistance.  The  successful  and  sustainable  reintegration  of  these  individuals  is instrumental towards peacebuilding and complements ongoing Swiss work on peace and security.

E-Governance for Accountability and Participation (EGAP), Phase 3

01.10.2024 - 30.09.2028

Digital transformation of Ukraine’s public administration significantly contributed to its resilience in the critical war conditions. Switzerland will consolidate its support to Ukraine in promoting innovative digital tools as amplifiers of democratic reforms in socially important sectors, catalysts of sustainable recovery and effective service provision to citizens and the private sector.

Enhancing access to safe land in Kharkiv region through mechanical clearance

01.10.2024 - 30.09.2027

This project led by the Mines Advisory Group (MAG) in partnership with the machine producer Digger enhances efficiency to prepare suspected land of explosive ordnance contamination for survey and clearance. It focuses on small farmers in the Kharkiv oblast (with the highest number of victims) within the WFP/FAO programme. It also promotes gender participation in mine action, with a 100% female multi-task team conducting operations, including with the Digger machine. 

Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine 2 (PFRU-2)

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2027

The Partnership Fund for a Resilient Ukraine (PFRU) unites eight development partners (UK, US, Canada, Sweden, Switzerland, Finland, Estonia and the Netherlands) and the Government of Ukraine to strengthen communities and government legitimacy through improved services, economic recovery and strengthened civil society. With its contribution, Switzerland can shape the development and deployment of an innovative multi-donor financing instrument in Ukraine to support its resilience and early recovery.

Participation citoyenne et prévention des conflits au Burundi (PCPC)

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2026

Au Burundi, le système politique ne permet pas un espace suffisant pour la participation citoyenne inclusive, la redevabilité et le respect des droits humains, ce qui rend difficile la prévention et la gestion des conflits. Par cette intervention la Suisse contribue à l’instauration progressive de pratiques démocratiques promouvant un environnement favorable à la participation citoyenne et l’opérationnalisation des mécanismes de gestion des conflits au niveau communautaire, ce qui a un impact positif sur la consolidation/capitalisation de la paix et la cohésion sociale.

Programme de Participation citoyenne et Prévention des conflits (PCPC)

01.08.2024 - 31.12.2026

L’Est de la RDC est confronté, depuis plus de deux décennies, à une situation d’insécurité avec une dégradation des droits de l’homme, de la cohésion sociale et de la situation humanitaire. Par ce programme, la Suisse entend contribuer à la promotion de la paix et le respect des droits humains en renforçant les capacités institutionnelles des entités territoriales décentralisées (ETD) et des structures locales de règlement des conflits et en favorisant la collaboration entre les institutions étatiques locales et les acteurs clés de la société civile.

Ukraine, Global Clearance Solutions GCS mechanical demining assets, training and mentoring for State Emergency Services Ukraine SESU

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

This project with the State Emergency Service of Ukraine (SESU) and Global Clearance Solutions (GCS) seeks to strengthen the mechanical demining capacities and capabilities of SESU to enable them to carry out qualitative humanitarian demining. These needs shall be met by delivering a comprehensive package consisting of the donation of three mechanical demining machines GCS-200 and the delivery of expansive training, mentoring and logistics services.

REMARKET - Recovery and Empowerment through Market Access and Resilient Economic Transformation in Ukraine

01.08.2024 - 31.07.2027

After having supported Caritas with humanitarian emergency response programmes providing multi-sectorial cash assistance (MPCA) to vulnerable Internally displaced persons (IDPs) and conflict-affected population, Switzerland wishes to support its transition toward longer-term income generation, economic development, and social resilience. This second phase aims to strengthen Ukrainian communities and businesses by enhancing market access and fostering economic empowerment for IDPs, returnees, and host communities. It seeks to address immediate needs of vulnerable groups while fostering sustainable economic inclusion.

Social Cohesion and Peace Initiative, Phase 1

15.07.2024 - 31.12.2025

Social cohesion in Moldova is weak, with low levels of intergroup contact and civic engagement. Divisions run largely along political lines and have deepened since the Russian aggression against Ukraine. Fostering constructive dialogue is essential for building social cohesion and resilience. The project aims at creating opportunities for young and elderly people to become more active in community processes, while addressing dividing lines within the Moldovan society and paving the way for inclusive nation-building and sustainable peace.

Oggetto 1 – 12 di 373