UKR East Europe Foundation (EEF) – Building capacity of local CSOs to provide protection services to women and minorities (Capable and Resistant III)

Starting from 2022, Switzerland and East Europe Foundation (EEF) have supported around 40 projects of local humanitarian organizations in implementing protection activities to individuals affected by the war, while at the same time strengthening the organization’s capacities. Under Phase 2, SDC and EEF will support up to 35 additional projects to reach more beneficiaries and continue building the capacities of these NGOs to foster professionalism, principled action, and sustainability.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Assistenza umanitaria & RRC
Diritti umani
Protezione, accesso & sicurezza
Diritti dell'uomo (diritti delle donne inclusi)
01.01.2025 - 30.04.2027
CHF  3’000’000
Contesto The situation in Ukraine remains highly volatile, with UNOCHA estimating the number of people in need at 14.6M. Ukrainian CSOs, including local and community-based organizations, remain active in providing humanitarian assistance to those who need it the most. National actors understand the local context better, can respond more quickly to needs, and are more agile in their operations. Phase 2 will enable Ukrainian NGOs to reach more beneficiaries and continue to build their capacities to ensure long-term sustainability.
Obiettivi To support Ukrainian NGOs that provide protection services to people affected by the war, including women, IDPs, veterans, elderly people, family members of servicemen, civilians in captivity, people with disabilities, children, ethnic minorities.
Gruppi target At least 35 Ukrainian CSOs and the communities they serve, with a specific focus on internally displaced persons (IDPs), particularly women with children, elderly individuals, people with disabilities, minorities, survivors of gender-based violence (GBV), and family members of military personnel.
Effetti a medio termine

Outcome 1. Participating civil society organisations provide better protection services to vulnerable populations.

Outcome 2. Participating civil society organisations strengthen their capacities so they can design, fundraise for, and implement their own strategies and programmes.


Risultati principali attesi:  

Output 1.1. Civil Society Organisations benefit from the Small Grants Program and offer increased types/coverage of services to affected population.

Output 1.2. Affected populations, including women, IDPs, veterans, elderly people, family members of servicemen, civilians in captivity, people with disabilities, children, ethnic and sexual minorities are assisted in mitigating and responding to their protection risks.

Output 2.1. CSOs benefit from the organizational capacity assessment recommendations;

Output 2.2 CSOs benefit from the capacity-building training modules

Output 2.3 CSOs benefit from mentorship support.

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

  1. A total of 39 projects implemented by 34 local NGOs provided protection services to individuals facing increased vulnerabilities all over Ukraine, with a strengthened outreach to frontline areas.
  2. Technical and organizational capacities of local NGOs to provide assistance were strengthened, improving the quality of the response and allowing partners to assist more people in a principled and professional manner.
  3. During its first phase, the project helped national humanitarian organizations to reach at least 125’000 beneficiaries.
  4. As evidenced by the external evaluation conducted by EEF, the beneficiaries indicated progress and a sense of improvement in social and psychosocial support, adaptation to a new environment, a sense of stability and security, opportunities to regain control over their life situation – among others.
  5. A network of local humanitarian NGOs providing MHPSS services was initiated and currently functions as coordination and peer-to-peer support network.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
ONG internazionale o straniera

Partner attuatore
East Europe Foundation (EEF)

Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori Cluster system and working groups: Protection cluster, Child Protection sub-cluster, Sexual and Gender-based Violence sub-cluster, MHPSS working group, WASH cluster, Disability and Age sub-working group; local authorities; National and international humanitarian organizations supported by SDC – Relief Coordination Center, NGO Resource Center, Mental Health for Ukraine.
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    3’000’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    1’244’183 Progetto totale dalla prima fase Budget Svizzera CHF   2’616’301 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF   5’616’301
Fasi del progetto Fase 2 01.01.2025 - 30.04.2027   (Fase in corso) Fase 1 01.09.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)