Global solutions for migration-related challenges
Switzerland has a strong interest in multilateral migration processes that are inclusive and that take into account local actors, in particular migrant (women) voices, to foster an enabling environment for migrants to effectively contribute to sustainable development. Switzerland supports multi-stakeholder involvement in global processes on migration and pilots innovative, locally-led solutions that are brought to the global level.
Country/region | Topic | Period | Budget |
Global |
Forced displacement (refugees, IDP, human trafficking)
Labour migration Migration generally (development aspects and partnerships) |
- 31.12.2026 |
CHF 2’430’000
- Global processes on migration/forced displacement are strengthened through ensuring multi-stakeholder involvement
- Innovative, locally-led solutions are piloted and brought to the global level
- The GFMD is institutionally strengthened through financial, political and thematic support;
- Capacities of local actors (incl. society and private sector) to engage in global processes on migration are enhanced;
- Locally-led approaches on key issues that particularly affect migrant women are piloted and disseminated on a global level.
- The continued support to multi-stakeholders (private sector, civil society) in global migration processes is a longstanding mark of Switzerland, and an important political sign for the importance of inclusiveness of dialogues. At the same time, several global processes were either stalled/postponed due to the Covid-19 pandemic or due to budgetary/reform processes (GFMD). The pending decision of Switzerland towards the GCM has made it difficult to engage in some processes (GCM-IMRF, Diaspora Summit etc.).
- Three projects were supported to foster “innovative solutions” (IOM MigApp; UNDP digitally enhanced livelihood; Institute for Human Rights and Business IHRB), enabling a testing of new fields (digitally enabled livelihoods) and new partners (IHRB).
- An research institute has helped advancing key topics around the three pillars of the Section, yet having 1 partner proved challenging as the institute did not have the same level of expertise in all areas.
- International Organisation for Migration
- Other international or foreign NGO North
- Other Swiss Non-profit Organisation
- Swiss Private Sector
- SDC Field Office
- International Catholic Migration Commission (ICMC); International Organisation of Employers (IOE); Secretariat of the Global Forum Migration and Development (GFMD, at IOM), Metropolis, Other potential contract partners
Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation GOVERNMENT AND CIVIL SOCIETY
Sub-Sector according to the OECD Developement Assistance Commitiee categorisation Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility
Facilitation of orderly, safe, regular and responsible migration and mobility
Cross-cutting topics The project also supports partner organisation improvements
Aid Type Mandate without fiduciary fund
Project and programme contribution
SDC administrative costs
Project number 7F10305
Background | Migration is a global phenomenon, affecting all world regions as points of origin, transit or destination. The three global migration processes where Switzerland is engaged are: 1) the Global Compact on Refugees (GCR), with the Global Refugee Forum (GRF) and the High-Level Officials Meeting; 2) the state-led Global Forum on Migration and Development (GFMD); 3) the Action Agenda on Internal Displacement, the follow-up to the High-Level Panel on Internal Displacement. These global dialogues would gain from a stronger link to the local level and the reality on the ground. The effects of migration and forced displacement are mostly felt at the local level, in cities in low and middle income countries, by the private sector looking for labour force, and especially by migrants/refugees and their families. |
Objectives | Global migration processes that are rooted in a strong multi-stakeholder approach and that take into account local actors, in particular migrant/refugee (women) voices, foster an enabling and protective environment for migrants/refugees to effectively contribute to sustainable development. |
Target groups |
The ultimate target group of this programme are (women) migrants/refugees and their families as well as local communities in countries of origin, transit and destination. Thanks to the support provided, global processes are better taking into account their voices. Furthermore, governments, the UN-system and other stakeholders, such as the private sector, local/regional authorities, and civil society, will benefit from better coordination and improved coherence in migration. |
Medium-term outcomes |
Results |
Expected results: Results from previous phases: |
Directorate/federal office responsible |
Project partners |
Contract partner International or foreign NGO Private sector Swiss Non-profit Organisation United Nations Organization (UNO) |
Budget | Current phase Swiss budget CHF 2’430’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF 1’057’379 |
Project phases | Phase 2 01.06.2023 - 31.12.2026 (Current phase) Phase 1 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023 (Completed) |