Women’s Peace and Humanitarian Fund (WPHF)

The contribution to the WPHF is to support women peacebuilders, humanitarians and human rights defenders working at the forefront of Women, Peace, Security and Humanitarian Action (WPS-HA) issues. The WPHF, managed by UN Women, provides funding to local civil society organizations for women’s participation and leadership in situations of conflict and humanitarian crisis, contributing to a nexus approach. 

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Sexual & gender-based violence
15.10.2024 - 31.12.2025
CHF  700’000
Background Humanitarian  crises  and  threats  to  peace are  more  widespread  than  ever  before. Emerging and protracted conflicts, the rise of authoritarian  regimes,  global  emergencies and  humanitarian  crises  pose  grave  and unprecedented  threats  to  international security,  sustainable  development  and human  rights.  While  the  number  of  people forcibly  displaced  is  the  highest  on  record, women  and  girls  continue  to  face  disproportionate negative impacts. 
Objectives The overall goal of the WPHF is to contribute to peaceful and gender equal societies. 
Target groups Women-led civil society organizations, women organizations and women human rights defenders and peacebuilders in remote areas where services are often disrupted or non-existent. 
Medium-term outcomes
  1. An enabling environment for implementation of WPA commitments is created. 
  2. Women participate in and inform decision-making processes & responses related to conflict prevention. 
  3. Humanitarian/crisis response planning, frameworks and programming are gender inclusive & responsive. 
  4. Representation and leadership of women is increased in formal and informal peace negotiations. 
  5. Women and girls’ safety, physical and mental health and security are assured and their human rights respected. 
  6. The socio-economic recovery & political participation of women and girls are promoted in post-conflict situations SDC funding will be earmarked to outcomes 3 & 5.

Expected results:  

Selected key outputs include, but are not limited to:  

  • Gender equality advocates have the resources and capacity to promote evidence-based advocacy 
  • Women participate and lead in effective early-warning and conflict prevention mechanisms 
  • Gender analysis assessments conducted to inform multi-sectoral humanitarian/crisis response planning and programming 
  • Women and girls at risk of GBV and GBV survivors have access to justice, appropriate health and psycho-social support services 
  • Women participate in peace-building & recovery planning 

Results from previous phases:  

  • Since 2016, over 914 civil society organizations in 41 countries have been supported 
  • 72% of WPHF partners operate at subnational and local levels  
  • Over 47% of CSOs accessed finance by the UN for the first time 
  • Average size of grants: USD 130’000 
  • 16.4% of grants were institutional, 83.6% programmatic 
  • In 2023, 188 new grants to 293 civil society organizations were given  

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Project partners Contract partner
United Nations Organization (UNO)
  • United Nations Development Programme

Implementing partner
UNDP Multi-Partner Trust Fund (UNDP MPTF), who receives financial contributions to the WPHF from donors and assists the WPHF in allocating funding to implementing entities. 

Coordination with other projects and actors
  • The  Secretariat  of  the  WPHF  is  hosted  by  UN Women, which offers technical expertise and political support to the WPHF. 
  • WPHF  supports  the  implementation  of  National Action Plans on women, peace and security (WPS) in coordination  with  the  Peacebuilding  Fund  (PBF), which SDC and the Peace and Human Rights Division (PRHD) jointly support. 
  • With  a geographic soft earmarking,  the WPHF will aim to support projects in four SDC priority countries: Democratic  Republic  of  the  Congo  (DRC), Afghanistan, Haiti and Sudan. 
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    700’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    699’300 Total project since first phase Swiss budget CHF   0 Budget inclusive project partner CHF   700’000