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Publications (329)

Object 313 – 324 of 329

Story Guide: Building bridges using narrative techniques – Story-telling aid

Stories are an easy way of addressing the emotions and analytical understanding at the same time, thus promoting awareness. The Guide is designed to create story-telling skills and confidence. First, it contains instruments and model approaches for recalling and conjuring up mental images of experiences. Second, it suggests ways of structuring stories to make them interesting and intelligible. And third, it provides ideas about development cooperation contexts in which stories can be an effective communication tool.

Les interactions de la Suisse avec le monde

La brochure Les interactions de la Suisse avec le monde traite des interactions complexes qui, dans le contexte de la mondialisation, existent entre la Suisse et le monde dans les domaines de la politique, de l'économie, de la société et de la coopération internationale. L'interdépendance est en effet une caractéristique de notre époque. Avec la mondialisation, il n'y a pratiquement plus de problème qui n'ait pas une portée mondiale. Et la politique de développement, elle aussi, doit trouver des réponses aux défis qui se posent à la Suisse.

Annual Report 2006 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.

Engagement des collectivités locales suisses dans la coopération internationale: Position et rôle da la DDC

Ce document d’orientation a pour but de clarifier la position de la DDC face à l'engagement des cantons et comunes dans la coopération internationale et de définir les principes et les formes de collaboration possibles entre les collectivités locales et la DDC.

Fighting Corruption: SDC Strategy

Corruption, as a worldwide phenomenon and a development problem, has been on the international agenda for more than a decade. In 1998, SDC issued guidelines stemming from the concern that corruption should be taken into account in its own activities and processes so as to ensure that Swiss funds not be diverted through corrupt channels. The ultimate goal of this strategy is to contribute to preventing corruption as a major obstacle towards development.

Annual Report 2005 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.

Annual Report 2004 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.

Annual Report 2003 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.

Object 313 – 324 of 329