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Publications (329)

Object 289 – 300 of 329

An interim review of the Swiss enlargement contribution to the EU-10 states

14 June 2012 marks the expiry date of the five-year period during which Switzerland can approve enlargement contribution projects to assist the EU-10 states. It can thus be assumed that the total amount of CHF 1 billion earmarked is fully committed up to this time as planned, even if there may be some minor delays in a few of the partner states. Switzerland’s enlargement contribution scheme has proved its worth to date and the review has been positive. The final review will happen after 2018 when all projects are completed and the enlargement contribution has been disbursed.

Report on effectiveness: Swiss development cooperation in the agricultural sector 2010

The second report on the effectiveness of Swiss development cooperation shows with concrete examples the impact of the CHF 1.189 billion invested between 2003 and 2008 on recipient countries in Africa, Asia, Southeast Europe and Latin America.

Wer langsam geht, kommt weit – Ein halbes Jahrhundert Schweizer Entwicklungshilfe

Wer langsam geht, kommt weit: Ein halbes Jahrhundert Schweizer Entwicklungshilfe

Historian René Holenstein, who also works for the SDC, has studied the Agency’s half-century record as a provider of development assistance. His book outlines the SDC’s underlying principles and objectives, its approach to development cooperation, and considers the actors. In addition, reports on the experience of fifteen people who have been involved in Swiss development cooperation give an insight into their personal motivation and, in many different ways, their commitment in various areas of deployment. The author is publishing this book in a personal capacity.

Annual Report 2009 SDC / SECO – Swiss International Cooperation

The Annual Report on Switzerland's International Cooperation contains the most important results of the SDC and SECO's engagement in the fight against poverty and reducing global risks.

Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) – Interim Report of Switzerland 2010

At the Millennium Summit in September 2010, the UN General Assembly drew up its second interim balance sheet, as it did for the first time in 2005, on the implementation status of the 8 Millennium Development Goals that are to be reached by the year 2015. In its report, the Federal Council illustrates the way in which Switzerland, working in cooperation with national and international partners, is making an effective contribution to the attainment of the MDGs.

Swiss Enlargement Contribution, Activities in 2009

By the end of 2009, 37 projects were definitively approved. They include, inter alia, the promotion of renewable energies, the establishment of a national capital fund for small and medium-sized enterprises, a fund for research projects, as well as projects to improve school transport and the situation of children in children’s homes. In addition, 68 preliminary project proposals were also approved which now have to be transformed into detailed project proposals.

L’efficacité en point de mire: Reflets sur des programmes de la DDC 2009

This synthesis report convincingly documents the effectiveness of various SDC projects and programmes conducted in different priority countries and in diverse cooperation domains. It describes the objectives and the methods used to reach them, while conveying an overview of the development goals that have been achieved.

Object 289 – 300 of 329