Past events (143)
Traverse: What are the prospects for North Africa? Arab Uprisings – 5 years on
Wednesday, 17.02.2016
Wednesday, 17.02.2016
Conference Assembly; Public event
The political upheavals have set in motion a lengthy and uncertain transition process in North Africa. Free elections and new constitutions are positive signs. However, past experience has shown that periods of social upheaval can last decades.
Location: Hotel Bern, Zeughausgasse 9, 3011 Berne
Debate: Partnerships for sustainable development
Tuesday, 24.11.2015
Tuesday, 24.11.2015,
First in a series of events entitled "Dialogue 2030: Switzerland and the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development" on the role of partnerships.
The United Nations adopted the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development in September 2015. The new agenda contains 17 specific goals that apply to all countries, encompassing social and economic development but also environmental sustainability. Now the time has come to implement the agenda – in Switzerland too! It can only succeed if all the important partners, authorities, civil society, and the business and science communities are mobilised into concerted action.
Location: Kursaal, Bern, 24 November 2015, 2pm–5pm
SDC stand at the "Comptoir broyard" in Payerne
Friday, 06.11.2015
Sunday, 15.11.2015
The SDC will present its activities in the healthcare sector through an engaging and informative stand at the next "Comptoir broyard" in Payerne. From its response to the Ebola epidemic to its goal of giving everyone on the planet access to quality care, Swiss development cooperation has taken on some big challenges.
Location: Payerne
Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur
Tuesday, 03.11.2015
Sunday, 08.11.2015
Cultural event
SDC sponsorship of the Internationale Kurzfilmtage Winterthur is part of its commitment to culture.
Location: Winterthur
Medicus Mundi Symposium: Achieving health for all in a changing world
Wednesday, 28.10.2015
Wednesday, 28.10.2015
The annual symposium of the Medicus Mundi Switzerland organisation will take place in Basel on 28 October 2015. This year's theme is 'Achieving health for all in a changing world'. The event will ask what role health plays in foreign policy and international cooperation in Switzerland.
Location: Pullman Hotel, Basel. Entry on registration.
Traverse: Gender & Financing for Sustainable Development - after Addis Ababa: What is the Role and Responsibility of Switzerland
Tuesday, 20.10.2015
Tuesday, 20.10.2015
Conference Assembly; Public event
In July 2015, the 3rd International Conference on Financing for Sustainable Development (FfSD) took place in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. A new and progressive element of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda is the strong link between aspired sustainable development outcomes and policies that promote economic opportunities for women and girls.
Location: DEZA, Freiburgstrasse 130, Berne (Room A2023)
Nansen Initiative Global Consultation in Geneva
Monday, 12.10.2015
Tuesday, 13.10.2015
Conference Assembly
The Swiss-Norwegian Nansen Initiative aims to improve protection for people who flee their country because of a natural disaster. The Global Consultation taking place in Geneva from 12 to 13 October 2015 marks both the high point and the conclusion of the Nansen Initiative in its current form.
Location: Geneva
Beyond one’s own four kitchen walls – The SDC at the OLMA 2015
Thursday, 08.10.2015
Sunday, 18.10.2015
At this year’s Olma, the Swiss Trade Fair for Agriculture and Food, the SDC will be displaying food products from all around the world. It aims to raise awareness about the lives of tens of thousands of small-scale farmers who benefit from SDC projects.
Location: St. Gallen
Krisenherd rund um Syrien und dessen Folgen, auch für die Schweiz (german)
Thursday, 17.09.2015
Thursday, 17.09.2015
Public event
Die Universität Zürich ist Gastgeber einer Podiumsdiskussion am 17. September 2015 zur Thematik „Krisenherd rund um Syrien und dessen Folgen, auch für die Schweiz“. Zwei Vertreter der DEZA nehmen als Referenten teil: Manuel Bessler, Botschafter und Delegierter für Humanitäre Hilfe und Chef des Schweizerischen Korps für Humanitäre Hilfe, und Eduard Gnesa, Sonderbotschafter für Migration.
Location: Universität Zürich, Hauptgebäude, Rämistrasse 71, 8001 Zürich, Hörsaal KOH B 10
15 Years of UN Security Council Resolution 1325: Conference on Women, Peace and Security
Wednesday, 09.09.2015
Wednesday, 09.09.2015
Conference Assembly
To mark fifteen years since the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution UNSCR 1325 on women, peace and security, the Human Security Division of the FDFA and the SDC invite the public to a brainstorming conference.
Location: Maison de la Paix, Geneva
Earth's Treasures – Exhibition on the use of mineral resources
Tuesday, 25.08.2015
Sunday, 28.02.2016
The exhibition explores a wide range of political, historical and legal aspects, including the role of raw materials in the history of humankind, working in mines, the role of Switzerland as a hub for international trade in commodities, financial flows, laws and regulations in the extractive industries, and sustainable living.
Location: Museum focusTerra, ETH Zentrum, Raum C 60, Sonneggstr. 5, 8092 Zürich
Annual Conference of Swiss Development Cooperation
Friday, 21.08.2015
Friday, 21.08.2015
Conference Assembly; Exposition
Health, a forgotten human right. 400 million people do not have access to health care.
Location: Congress Center Basel
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Last update 21.10.2024