Past events (143)
International cooperation: women’s capacity for action in Benin – Round table on 20 November in Lausanne, Switzerland
Monday, 20.11.2017
Monday, 20.11.2017
Public event
Looking ahead to the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, the SDC is organising a round table on women’s capacity for action in Benin, featuring guest speakers from Benin and Switzerland.
Location: Casino de Montbenon (main auditorium) in Lausanne
Traverse: Corruption and the Commodity Sector
Thursday, 16.11.2017
Thursday, 16.11.2017
Public event
Challenges and Room for Action for Switzerland and its Development Cooperation.
Location: Schule für Gestaltung Bern, Aula
Panel discussion: Clean Energy for All – a challenge for Eastern Europe
Wednesday, 15.11.2017
Wednesday, 15.11.2017
Public event
Energy issues are more relevant than ever before – not just in Switzerland. The countries of Eastern Europe in particular are facing the challenge of supplying reliable and affordable energy for all people and companies without a negative impact on the climate. In a region where most of the energy consumed still comes from non-renewable resources this is no easy task.
Location: University of Applied Sciences and Arts Western Switzerland, Sierre
Taking responsibility
Wednesday, 08.11.2017
Wednesday, 08.11.2017
Public event
More than three quarters of the water we consume does not come from Switzerland. What are the risks of this unsustainable use of water for humans and nature? Representatives of the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC), WWF Switzerland and Nestlé S.A. will discuss this topic with the audience.
Location: Alpines Museum der Schweiz, Helvetiaplatz 4, 3005 Bern
The Short Film Festival of Switzerland in Winterthur
Tuesday, 07.11.2017
Sunday, 12.11.2017
From 7 to 12 November 2017, the 21th edition of the “Internationale Kurzfilmtage, The Short Film Festival of Switzerland,” will be held in Winterthur. Film-makers will be invited from all over the world to present a wide variety of short films.
Location: Winterthur
Swiss launch of the Global Education Monitoring Report 2017
Monday, 06.11.2017
Thursday, 14.12.2017
Public event
Swiss launch of the Education For All Global Monitoring Report 2017 “Accountability in Education: meeting our commitments”, 13 December 2017 in Bern
Location: Bern
One-day conference on 'Education in Emergencies'.
Friday, 03.11.2017
Friday, 17.11.2017
Public event
Conference on 'Education in Emergencies', on 16 November 2017 in Bern
Location: Bern University of Teacher Education, Fabrikstrasse 8, 3012 Bern
Agenda 2030 – Challenges for Switzerland
Monday, 23.10.2017
Monday, 23.10.2017
Public event
It’s about a discussion of action areas and priorities for the implementation of the 2030 Agenda in Switzerland, based on the outcomes of the federal government's online consultation between June and August 2017. The debate will centre on identifying the major challenges and opportunities for Switzerland in its efforts to achieve the objectives of the 2030 Agenda at both national and international level.
Location: Bern, Kursaal, Kornhausstrasse 3
Open Day at the UN in Geneva – 'Beyond one’s own four kitchen walls'
Saturday, 07.10.2017
Saturday, 07.10.2017
Public event
The SDC will be presenting a number of projects from around the world at the UN Open Day in Geneva. Visitors will have the opportunity to find out more about Switzerland's development cooperation and sample delicacies from different countries.
Location: Palais des Nations, Avenue de la Paix 14, 1202 Geneva
«Exportartikel Berufsbildung?» Book presentation and discussion
Monday, 04.09.2017
Monday, 04.09.2017
All three authors will be visiting SDC Head Office on 4 September to present their book and discuss it with an online audience and the general public.
Location: SDC (Bern), Freiburgstrasse 130, A2023
25 Years Switzerland - World Bank: Stocktaking and Outlook
Tuesday, 22.08.2017
Tuesday, 22.08.2017
Conference Assembly; Public event
Switzerland joined the World Bank in 1992 when voters approved accession with 56 percent of the vote. Membership in the World Bank represented an important change in direction for Swiss foreign policy. On the occasion of this anniversary, SECO, SDC, and the Centre for Development and Environment (CDE) of the University of Bern would like to commemorate and take stock of the 25 years of successful cooperation between Switzerland and the World Bank, as well as discuss future collaboration. This event aims to facilitate an open dialogue between civil society, the private sector, academia, and public officials.
Location: Universität Bern, Aula
Zürcher Theater Spektakel
Thursday, 17.08.2017
Sunday, 03.09.2017
Cultural event; Public event
The Zürcher Theater Spektakel gives artists from the South and from the East the opportunity to present their productions to a Swiss audience and forge professional contacts. The SDC supports the festival as part of its cultural activities.
Location: Zürich
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Last update 21.10.2024