Past events (143)
Zürcher Theater Spektakel (Zurich Theatre Spectacle)
Thursday, 06.08.2015
Sunday, 23.08.2015
Cultural event; Public event
Performing artists from the developing and transitional countries of the South and East showcase their productions at the Zurich Theatre Spectacle – thanks to the SDC’s support.
68th Locarno International Film Festival
Wednesday, 05.08.2015
Saturday, 15.08.2015
Cultural event
The 68th Locarno International Film Festival starts at the beginning of August. Open Doors, the film festival’s co-production lab organised with the support of the SDC, will be focusing this year on four countries from North Africa: Algeria, Libya, Morocco and Tunisia.
Location: Locarno
"Flavours from our soils" – Dialogue and exhibition to mark World Day to Combat Desertification
Wednesday, 17.06.2015
Wednesday, 17.06.2015
Public event; Exposition; Cultural event
Desertification, land degradation and droughts are threatening the livelihoods of people worldwide. The World Day to Combat Desertification, on June 17, reminds us of this every year.
Switzerland meets Mongolia: two photography exhibitions side by side in Gamsen
Wednesday, 13.05.2015
Sunday, 31.05.2015
Exposition; Exhibition
The "AARUUL and JUSTISTALER" photography exhibition organised by the SDC and shown at the Natural History Museum of Bern in autumn 2014 is continuing its tour of Switzerland. Visitors can discover the images in the commune of Gamsen, near Brig, in the second half of May alongside another series of photographs taken by the Mongolian artist Maralgua Badarch.
Location: Alte Suste - Landmauer, 3900 Gamsen
Einladung zur öffentlichen Veranstaltung: Die Post-2015 Agenda und die Schweiz (de)
Friday, 08.05.2015
Friday, 08.05.2015
Conference Assembly; Public event
Auf dem Weg in eine nachhaltige Zukunft – Die Post-2015 Agenda und die Schweiz
Location: Kursaal Bern
Major contemporary African authors at the Geneva Book and Press Fair
Wednesday, 29.04.2015
Sunday, 03.05.2015
Cultural event; Public event
"Les arts en toutes lettres" (The Arts Writ Large) is the theme of the African Book Fair at this year's Geneva Book and Press Fair, which will take place from 29 April to 4 May 2014. Novelists, playwrights, graphic novelists, film-makers and cartoonists who are putting their stamp on the contemporary African arts scene will be the guests of honour. The African Book Fair is supported by the SDC.
Location: Geneva
Traverse: Climate finance in the post-2015 context– implications for ODA & beyond?
Wednesday, 29.04.2015
Wednesday, 29.04.2015
Public event; Conference Assembly
Reaching the target of mobilising USD 100 billion for climate finance every year from 2020 is key to concluding the new climate agreement in 2015. However in reality, much more is needed to bring the world to a low carbon path. The WEF estimates investment requirements of USD 5.7 trillion per year. A similar and even bigger challenge is currently arising in negotiations for the post-2015 agenda. Ambitious goals in the post-2015 sustainable development framework – addressing the reduction of poverty and inequality in all its forms while tackling the interwoven imperatives of global environmental sustainability – will therefore require accompanying ambition and innovation in development finance.
Location: Sorell Hotel Ador, Laupenstrasse 15, 3001 Bern, Room Gnägi
Exhibition “La face cachée de l’eau”
Sunday, 19.04.2015
Friday, 01.05.2015
Exposition; Cultural event; Public event
“Sustainable Mountain Art (SMArt)”, a project supported by the SDC, aims to bring attention to the global challenges faced both by mountainous regions in Switzerland and in the countries of the South and East.
Georgia centre stage at the Visions du Réel Film Festival
Friday, 17.04.2015
Saturday, 25.04.2015
Cultural event; Public event
Georgia will feature prominently at this year's Visions du Réel International Film Festival. Fifteen documentaries and a discussion day devoted to Georgian cinema will provide an opportunity to discover the creative force that characterizes it.
Location: Nyon
AARUUL and JUSTISTALER photo exhibition in Gossau
Thursday, 02.04.2015
Thursday, 23.04.2015
Exposition; Cultural event; Public event
The photo exhibition "Aaruul and Justistaler", which was created by the SDC and shown in autumn 2014 at the Natural History Museum of Bern, has now begun a tour through Switzerland.
Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid and the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit: Understanding risks – reducing disasters
Friday, 27.03.2015
Friday, 27.03.2015
Conference Assembly
Natural hazards pose as much a threat to industrialised states as they do to the world's poorest nations. The issue of disaster risk reduction is therefore being placed centre-stage at this year's annual conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid and the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA).
Location: Kursaal Bern, Bern
Fribourg International Film Festival
Saturday, 21.03.2015
Saturday, 28.03.2015
Cultural event; Public event
The Fribourg International Film Festival presents a programme laced with humour and notion(s) of freedom. New this year: All the directors participating in the short film competition are invited to meet their counterparts from the other sections.The SDC's long-standing partnership with the festival is part of its commitment to support artists from the South and the East.
Location: Fribourg
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Last update 21.10.2024