Water in Crisis
Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Friday, 29 March 2019, 1.00 pm, Kursaal, Bern
Friday, 29.03.2019 Friday, 29.03.2019
Conference Assembly
Water in Crisis
Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid
Friday, 29 March 2019, 1.00 pm, Kursaal, Bern
Location: Kursaal Bern, Kornhausstrasse 3
2018 was the fourth-hottest year on record, and it will not remain an exception. Heat and droughts have decimated harvests in Europe. India has experienced immense floods. Cape Town barely escaped ‘Day Zero’, the day when the city’s water supply is depleted. According to the Global Risk Report of the World Economic Forum 2018, “water crises” rank fifth in the global risk list.
The pressure on freshwater resources is growing all over the world. The demand is on the rise, but the availability of water is still limited. Access to water, sanitary facilities and hygiene is by no means a matter of course for many people. Contaminated water also fuels the spread of epidemics. We have to work together to take on this huge task, global challenges do not stop at borders.
Is it possible to tackle these challenges with technological innovations? What are the needs of the affected people? Does Switzerland have the right expertise? Where can Switzerland together with the business and research community offer added value, and where can it learn from its partners? Using concrete project examples, panel discussions, interviews and short films, we would like to illustrate and critically examine these questions at the Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid and the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA).
Registration form - Annual Conference of Swiss Humanitarian Aid