Bringing together practicing artists from all around the world and representatives of organisations that are active in international cooperation, the conference offers a forum for practitioners that are – in different positions – concerned with socially engaged art, art in challenging contexts, or art and conflict transformation.
Conference Art at Risk – creative work in challenging contexts
Thursday, 27.02.2020 Saturday, 29.02.2020
international conference
The conference is planned and organized by the Swiss Artas Foundation in collaboration with the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK). The program is based on workshops and discussion groups and focuses on three themes:
- Risks for artists: Prosecution, threats, and violence against individuals who express themselves artistically, and actions against institutions who host or support artists.
- Risk for art: Instrumentalisation of art, restrictions of artistic freedom, silencing artistic expression, censorship.
- Art and creativity as a resource in challenging contexts: Contribution of art to a strengthening of the civil society and democracy, to countering fundamentalism, contribution of art to peaceful conflict resolution or towards addressing conflicts related to climate change.
The conference language is English, 150 participants are expected, and access will be based on prior registration.
Program and registration
Contact for further information:
Artas Foundation