Successive crises in the Central African Republic (CAR) have created a situation of serious humanitarian need. Swiss Humanitarian Aid efforts in the CAR focus on the protection of civilians and encourage respect for the rules of international humanitarian law. Switzerland is one of ten main humanitarian donors in the CAR.
Central African Republic
Embassy | |
Mission / Delegation / Permanent Representation | |
Consulate general | |
Honorary representation | |
Cooperation office | |
Contribution Office | |
Embassy with Cooperation Office | |
Embassy with Regional consular center | |
Swiss Business Hub | |
Swissnex | |
City | |
Capital | |
Disputed border | |
River | |
Lake |
Despite the signing of the Political Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in 2019, political turmoil, violence and human rights violations continue to burden the people of the CAR. Hundreds of thousands of people have been forced to flee their homes. Some 3.1 million people – 63% of the population – depend on humanitarian aid.
Swiss Bilateral ODA |
2022 |
2023 |
2024 * |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) |
Bilateral development cooperation |
0.75 |
2.65 |
3.00 |
Humanitarian aid |
8.10 |
6.68 |
3.00 |
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) |
Economic Cooperation and Development |
- |
- |
- |
Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) |
Conflict transformation and human rights |
0.48 |
0.51 |
0.70 |
9.33 |
9.84 |
6.70 |
Other Federal Offices |
Other FDFA Divisions (ASAF, AIO, aso) |
- |
- |
.. |
Network of FDFA representations abroad |
- |
- |
.. |
State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) |
- |
- |
.. |
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) |
- |
- |
.. |
MeteoSwiss |
- |
- |
- |
Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) |
- |
- |
- |
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) |
- |
- |
.. |
Federal Statistical Office (FSO) |
- |
- |
- |
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) |
- |
- |
- |
State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) |
- |
- |
- |
Total other Federal Offices |
- |
- |
- |
Cantons and municipalities |
0.10 |
.. |
.. |
Total |
9.43 |
9.84 |
6.70 |
Data status at 02.04.2024
*planned; total based on available data
.. = figures not available | – = nil or amount < 5'000 CHF
Swiss contribution
Humanitarian aid is the main priority of Switzerland's work in the CAR. The SDC supports the activities of multilateral partners such as the UN and the ICRC and provides funding to national and international NGOs active on the ground. Switzerland's efforts focus primarily on the protection of civilians, international humanitarian law and human rights. It is also working to improve the coordination of humanitarian activities and better involve local actors. Over the last several years, the SDC has supported a local radio station, Ndeke Luka, through the Fondation Hirondelle. This independent radio station is one of the only media outlets that broadcasts information throughout the country even in periods of crisis. Switzerland is one of ten main humanitarian donors in the CAR.
For several years, SDC activities in the CAR were coordinated from neighbouring countries (Chad, followed by Cameroon). In August 2022, the SDC opened an office in the capital Bangui to step up its presence. It is now one of the few Western countries with a local representation in the country. As a neutral country, Switzerland aims to provide added value in the fields of humanitarian access, protection, international law and the humanitarian principles, justice and peacebuilding. It also seeks to encourage better interaction between humanitarian and development aid activities. It maintains a dialogue with the national authorities and national partners, with international and multilateral organisations (UN, MINUSCA, World Bank, African Union) and with civil society.
History of cooperation
Responding to successive crises
The SDC has been active since 2009 in the CAR, where Swiss Humanitarian Aid is supporting various urgent humanitarian operations. In June 2013, the SDC stepped up its presence in the region by deploying an expert from the Swiss Humanitarian Aid Unit (SHA). Based at the SDC's cooperation office in N'Djamena (Chad), this expert undertook regular missions in the Central African Republic. In 2020, another SHA expert based in Cameroon took over the coordination of the SDC's activities until the SDC office in Bangui opened in August 2022.
Current projects
Object 1 6 of 6
- 1
RCA, OIM, Appui au Retour et à la Réintégration des Personnes Déplacées Internes à Bossangoa, 2024 - 2025
- 30.11.2025
La Suisse apporte une contribution ciblée à l’Organisation internationale pour les Migrations (OIM) pour appuyer le retour et l’intégration locale des déplacés internes à Bossangoa au nord-ouest de la République centrafricaine (RCA). Cette contribution visera à construire des logements familiaux, à faciliter l’accès à des infrastructures sociales de base fonctionnelles et à appuyer le relèvement socio-économique des groupes vulnérables de la population afin de renforcer la cohésion et la coexistence dans cette région encore fragile.
République Centrafricaine (RCA), IMPACT Initiatives, Appui à la planification de la réponse humanitaire à l’échelle nationale
- 28.02.2025
Fondée en 2010 à Genève, IMPACT Initiatives fournit des données pour guider les décisions humanitaires. Dans cette proposition, IMPACT mène la 6ème évaluation multisectorielle des besoins (MSNA) en RCA, en effectuant des questionnaires auprès des ménages sur l’ensemble du territoire pour identifier les vulnérabilités. L’objectif est d’éclairer la planification de la réponse humanitaire en élaborant le HNO (aperçu des besoins humanitaires) et le HRP (plan de réponse humanitaire).
Central African Republic: INSO - Support for the Security of Humanitarian Organizations 2024-2026
- 30.04.2026
The main purpose of the action is to assist humanitarian aid organizations in Central African Republic (CAR) in fulfilling their own mandates with improved protection of relief personnel and improved effectiveness of humanitarian action. There are currently 94 registered organisations in INSO CAR's network (INGO, LNGO, Red Cross Movement, UN agencies) and 5 donors for a total of 99 partners.
Central African Republic (CAR), Norwegian Refugee Council, Committee of NGOs Coordination (CCO)
- 31.03.2025
The protracted crisis continues to severely impact the lives and livelihoods of Central Africans, affecting over 50% of the population. The CCO strengthens humanitarian coordination and action through systematic and structured sharing of information, training, expertise, and advocacy. Switzerland’s contribution consolidates the humanitarian response, aligning with its commitments to Good Humanitarian Donorship and Localization.
République Centrafricaine (RCA) Oxfam - Projet d’Appui à la Maison des Services Centrafricaine (MdS-CA)
- 31.03.2025
Ce projet vise à renforcer les organisations de la société civile en RCA, membres de la Maison des Services, pour les rendre autonomes, influentes et participatives. En RCA, où plus de la moitié de la population est touchée par les conflits, la contribution suisse va consolider la «Maison des Services» (MdS) au profit des acteurs locaux et de la réponse humanitaire globale, et ainsi soutenir nos engagements de Localisation.
République Centrafricaine, Fondation Hirondelle, Contribution à la Radio Ndeke Luka
- 28.02.2025
Avec la contribution à la Radio Ndeke Luka par la Fondation Hirondelle, la Suisse contribue au développement d’un système de médias indépendants et à la formation de journalistes et donc à un des éléments fondamentaux de la démocratie. L’éducation à l’utilisation des médias des citoyen contribue à la lutte contre la désinformation et a un impact considérable dans la prévention des violences.
Object 1 6 of 6
- 1