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Embassy with Cooperation Office |
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Embassy with Regional consular center |
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Swiss Business Hub |
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Since the end of the communist dictatorship, Albania has made considerable progress towards democracy and a competitive market economy. A series of promising reforms have been launched and implemented, e.g. in territorial and public administration, public finance and in the energy and justice sectors. The goal of joining the EU, which is shared by many Albanians, is a strong driving force behind these reforms. In view of these positive developments, Albania was given the status of EU accession candidate in 2014, and in 2016 the EU Commission recommended initiating negotiations on membership. Albania is still confronting major challenges in fighting corruption and organised crime, and there are other hurdles to reducing poverty and unemployment, which are especially affecting rural regions, disadvantaged groups and young people.
Swiss Bilateral ODA | 2022 mill. CHF |
2023 mill. CHF |
2024 * mill. CHF |
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) | |||
Bilateral development cooperation | 16.63 | 16.14 | 16.00 |
Humanitarian aid | - | 0.06 | 0.50 |
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) | |||
Economic Cooperation and Development | 5.60 | 9.23 | 14.54 |
Peace and Human Rights Division (PHRD) | |||
Conflict transformation and human rights | - | 0.13 | - |
Total SDC/SECO/PHRD | 22.23 | 25.56 | 31.04 |
Other Federal Offices | |||
Other FDFA Divisions (ASAF, AIO, aso) | - | - | .. |
Network of FDFA representations abroad | 1.23 | - | .. |
State Secretariat for Migration (SEM) | - | - | .. |
State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation (SERI) | - | - | .. |
MeteoSwiss | - | 0.08 | - |
Federal Department of Defence, Civil Protection and Sport (DDPS) | - | - | - |
Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) | - | - | .. |
Federal Statistical Office (FSO) | 0.18 | 0.20 | 0.22 |
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH) | - | - | - |
State Secretariat for International Finance (SIF) | - | - | - |
Total other Federal Offices | 1.41 | 0.28 | 0.22 |
Cantons and municipalities | 0.13 | .. | .. |
Total | 23.77 | 25.84 | 31.26 |
Data status at 02.04.2024
* planned; total based on available data
.. = figures not available | – = nil or amount < 5'000 CHF
Democratisation, decentralisation and local governance
Switzerland is supporting institutional reforms and encouraging democratisation and decentralisation. By promoting regional development and strengthening local authorities, it is encouraging civil society to play a more active role in decision-making processes. It is also strengthening mechanisms to ensure parliamentary supervision over the executive at both local and national levels. Switzerland is actively working to ensure access to good-quality local public services for all, especially for discriminated population groups such as the Roma.
Economic development
Switzerland is supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth in Albania. Specifically, it is helping to strengthen the management of public finances, monetary policy and the supervision of the financial sector, thus contributing directly to stabilising the macroeconomic situation in the country. Switzerland is also helping to create jobs through targeted measures to improve the overall legal framework for private companies and in this way facilitate access to markets. A sharper focus is being placed on promoting modern vocational training that appeals to young Albanians and prepares them optimally to meet the needs and requirements of the job market.
Urban infrastructure and energy
By combining measures to strengthen institutions while increasing investment at the local level, Switzerland is encouraging the provision of good-quality public services in Albania. In this context, Switzerland is active in improving urban infrastructure and increasing energy efficiency specifically in the areas of drinking water supply, disposal of waste water and collection of waste. The Albanian authorities are also receiving support in diversifying their sources of energy in order to ensure efficient and reliable energy supply throughout the country.
On the basis of the Albania’s national health strategy for 2017–2020, Switzerland is supporting efforts to strengthen basic health services for the people of Albania. It is supporting national reforms, helping to improve management, equip medical facilities and support continuous training for health personnel. Furthermore, Switzerland is supporting preventive measures to reduce the prevalence of non-communicable diseases and efforts to raise awareness of health issues among the population, and to hold healthcare providers to account. This contributes to improving access for marginalised and vulnerable population groups to health services.
Approaches and partners
The 2018–2021 Cooperation Strategy is being jointly implemented by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) and the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). Switzerland closely coordinates its transition cooperation with the Albanian authorities, other donor countries and international organisations such as the United Nations and the European Union. All its programmes, which are mainly implemented by the SDC and SECO, incorporate the principles of good governance and equal rights.
Switzerland's key partners in Albania are:
- National partners: ministries, city and municipal authorities, social and professional organisations, the private sector and local NGOs
- Swiss NGOs: Helvetas-Swiss Intercooperation, Swisscontact, Swiss Tropical and Public Health Institute, Terre des Hommes, Save the Children
- Bilateral and multilateral partners: Germany (KfW, GIZ), Austria (ADA), Sweden, EBRD, EU, Council of Europe, OSCE, UN, World Bank Group, WHO
Current projects
Climate Services for a Resilient Albania (ALBAdapt)
- 31.12.2030
The project will increase Albania’s adaptive capacity and climate resilience through the effective generation and use of climate information and services. It will develop an innovative Multi Hazard Impact Based Early Warning System in line with international standards. The MeteoSwiss expertise will be of added value in leveraging the Green Climate Fund engagement and complementing the SECO contribution to this large strategic project.
Building Damage Assessment in Albania
- 31.12.2027
The devastating earthquake in 2019 revealed that Albania has a weak policy and institutional framework and low public awareness on building damage assessment. The Swiss project will support Albania in strengthening its disaster risk management institutions at national and municipal level to provide sustainable and effective building damage assessment services, leading to safer living conditions and a more disaster resilient business environment.
Skills for Jobs (S4J)
- 30.06.2027
Albania is reforming its vocational education and training system to upgrade the students’ employability. S4J promotes work-based learning, digitalization and diversification of the VET offer, as per the labour market needs. To sustain the reform process, the exit phase consolidates the transfer of these innovative processes to additional VET providers and companies.
Skills Development for Employment (SD4E)
- 30.06.2027
Albania is reforming the vocational education and training as well as employment services to increase people’s employability, particularly of women, youth as well as people with disabilities and low-income. This final phase puts the focus on strengthening the capacities of the line ministry and its subordinated national agencies as well as on consolidating, upscaling and transferring the developed policies and regulations as well as best practices to complete the reform process.
Health for All (HAP)
- 31.03.2027
The health sector in Albania is undergoing structural reforms. New models of service that integrate health and social care are approved and being implemented currently in small scale. Under the lead of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection, the project will facilitate the upscale of the new home care service at primary health care. The aim is to transform primary care to the specific needs of the poor and vulnerable population like the elderly, people with disabilities and mental health disorders.
Albania: Sustainable Rural Development
- 31.12.2026
Large potential for additional value creation exists in the agriculture sector and related activities in Albania. The project will develop innovative, economically viable and inclusive business models for market actors to leverage investment and ultimately increase income and employment for the population in rural areas, especially for women, young people and returnees.
Support to Parliament and Civic Education (PACEP)
- 01.06.2028
The Albanian Parliament will improve its performance both, operationally and politically. Elections will be managed more transparently and efficiently. The system of checks and balances between the parliament, the government and independent institutions will be strengthened. Citizens will contribute and benefit from increased representation in parliament, responsible law making and stronger oversight.
Bashki të Forta (BtF) - Strong Municipalities
- 30.09.2026
The project aims at strengthening capacities of all 61 albanian municipalities (executive and councils) to assume their functions. Citizens will benefit from improved services based on standards and reliable data. A national performance based system of grants will contribute to improve municipal governance and will incentivise municipalities to perform better.
Solidar - Health Emergency
- 31.10.2027
Albania suffers from insufficient resources for public health emergencies and poor quality of primary care emergency services. The project aims at supporting the Ministry of Health and Social Protection and non-health actors to establish a sound coordination based on clear regulations and standards for health emergencies. It will also strengthen the capacity of healthcare and enable community initiatives regarding health emergencies preparedness and response.
RisiAlbania, Making Labour Market Work for Youth
- 31.12.2029
The last phase of RisiAlbania will continue to consolidate a functional labour market system that performs sustainably. The project will support businesses to grow through increased access to markets, competitiveness and resilience, leading to the creation of more and better jobs for young women and men. It will scale up its support for improving career intermediation, guidance as well as non-formal skills provision for youth to get access to jobs.
Leave No One Behind Project
- 31.07.2025
Albania is building up its social protection system, with the vision of providing decentralized services. The importance of an effective social protection system has increased by the ongoing pandemic. The project covers part of the social protection system. Its 2nd phase scales up the reform roll-out. This Albania-Switzerland-UN’ effort collaborates with 50% of municipalities and strengthens their capacities to support 160’000 vulnerable people.
Shkollat për Shëndetin (SpS) - Schools for health
- 30.04.2025
Non-communicable diseases (NCDs) account for the highest mortality in the country. The program aims to reduce the exposure to the major risk factors for NCDs through improvement of lifestyle practices in schoolchildren and communities. Municipalities will be supported to develop sustainable models for health promotion and healthy environments at school. Cooperation between Ministries of Health and Education will be strengthened to establish framework conditions conducive to health.