National Water Resource Management Project in Uzbekistan

Project completed

The project supports the water sector reform through the development of an Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) - based strategic framework that ensures equitable and fair water distribution among all water users. This will allow the Ministry of Water Resources (MoWR) to efficiently and effectively manage water resources leading to increased water productivity and improved livelihoods of the rural population in Uzbekistan.

Country/region Topic Period Budget
Agriculture & food security
Water sector policy
Public sector policy
Agricultural water resources
01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023
CHF  4’450’000
Background Uzbekistan has the largest irrigated area and the largest population in Central Asia. It is also the most vulnerable in terms of water availability, as only about 20% originates in the country. Water is a vital and fundamental resource for Uzbekistan’s sustainable development – all the more as 98% of the total agricultural output is produced on irrigated lands. The growing water shortage - due to population growth, increasing demand and climate change - is one of the factors that challenge Uzbekistan’s development. To address the water shortage, the new government initiated the reform of the agricultural and water sectors to foster the efficient use of existing water resources. It also recently endorsed a range of subsidies to foster the introduction of drip irrigation and other water saving technologies.
Objectives The overall project goal is to improve the rural population’s livelihoods through integrated water resource management in Uzbekistan.
Target groups The Ministry of Water Resources, its Information Analytical and Resource Centre, 13 Basin Administration of Irrigation Systems, 13 Ameliorative Expeditions, 152 Rayon Irrigation Departments, farmers and other water consumers nationwide will directly benefit from the project support.
Medium-term outcomes

Outcome 1: The Ministry of Water Resources implements a comprehensive strategic and regulatory framework based on IWRM principles.

Outcome 2: Farmers and water management organizations use water resources efficiently and sustainably.


Expected results:  

  1. The strategic and regulatory IWRM framework is developed and approved.
  2. The IARC is empowered as the driver for the implementation of the IWRM framework.
  3. The Integrated National Water Management Information System (WMIS) is implemented.
  4. The Rayon Irrigation Departments (RIDs) are empowered as interface between the government support system and the water consumers.
  5. The Water Scheduling System is established as the key instrument for IWRM and is integrated into the National Water Management Information System.
  6. The Drainage Information System is part of the National Water Management Information System.
  7. The water management organizations’ and farmers’ technical capacities to apply water-saving technologies (WST) are built at local level.
  8. Farmers apply WST to increase water efficiency and sustainability.

Results from previous phases:  

Initial project objectives of Phase 1 have been adjusted according to the significant context developments in Uzbekistan. The project achieved good results and ensured its continued relevance:

  1. Supported the drafting of the Water Sector Development Concept 2030. Accordingly an IWRM basedregulatory framework is to be finalized by 2023.
  2. Established the Information, Analytical and Resource Center (IARC) within the Ministry, a strategic achievement to institutionally strengthen the MoWR. IARC capacities need to be further built up.
  3. Promoted water-saving technologies through Farmer Field Schools. The approach has to be handed over to the government.
  4. Developed the IARC water knowledge portal to be further extended and improved.

Directorate/federal office responsible SDC
Credit area Swiss cooperation with Eastern Europe
Project partners Contract partner
International or foreign NGO
Private sector
Foreign state institution
  • Central State of South East
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Foreign private sector South/East

Other partners
The IFAS Agency (The Agency of the International Fund for Saving the Aral Sea for the implementation of projects in the Aral Sea Area).
Coordination with other projects and actors Close interaction and coordination to be maintained with the EU, and KOICA to ensure the proper establishment of the National WMIS. Teaming up with the ADB could be considered to jointly support the IWRM-based Water Strategy development. Synergies with the WB and EU programs supporting the implementation of the Agricultural Strategy 2030 will be pursued. Peer exchanges with the NWRM projects in TJ and KG will continue to identify potential for leverage.
Budget Current phase Swiss budget CHF    4’450’000 Swiss disbursement to date CHF    4’282’765
Project phases Phase 3 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2027   (Current phase)

Phase 2 01.01.2020 - 31.12.2023   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.09.2013 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)