Market Access of Products of Terroir - Tunisia, Phase I

Projet terminé

The project aims at improving performance, market access and socio-economic conditions of the the harissa (chili pepper paste), the fig of Djebba and the prickly pear value chains in Tunisia. It strengthens the governance, the productivity, the quality compliance with labels and the product development of these products.

Pays/région Période Budget
01.11.2013 - 31.12.2019
CHF  4’972’000

More and more consumers are searching for authenticity and are willing to pay higher prices for typical food products that are deeply rooted in the culture and tradition of their territories of origin. For small-scale rural producers, this new trend signifies a major opportunity. It frees them from having to compete on price with standardized products in commodity markets and rewards them for the maintenance of biodiversity and cultural heritage in niche markets.


The PAMPAT porject aims to improve the market access and socio-economic conditions of producers in selected value chains. UNIDO is strengthening the organization and governance of the selected value chains, improving the productivity, quality compliance and product development of small-scale rural producers, and enhancing their position in both domestic and export markets.These vale chains are: Harissa, Fig de Djebba, Prickly pear.

Effets à moyen terme

Effect 1: Improved performance of the Harissa value chain: adoption of the Tunisian Food quality label, improved market positioning, improved organization / governance, job creation-

Effect 2: Improved performance of the "Figue de Djebba" value chain: application of the existing AOC label, market positioning, improved organization / governance, job creation-

Effect 3: Performance of the value chain "Cactus /Prickly Pear " improved: launch of an AOC label in Zelfen / Kasserine, market positioning, improvement of organization / governance, job creation-

Effect 4: Strengthening of Tunisian support institutions for products of labeled, biological and/or niche agricultural origin


Principaux résultats attendus:  

Producers and processing units are better structured and their production, processing and marketing capacities are improved-

The various links of the three value-chains are supported to ensure compliance with market standards and certification systems (implementation of quality label harissa and AOC for the fig of Djebba, Label Zelfen for cactus chain)-

Access to the local and/or international market for products is improved-

A first competition of local products is organized in Tunisia (November 2017)-

The competences of the Tunisian support institutions (TSI) are reinforced in the value chain approach and the facilitation of actors around collective projects.

The CTAB (Technical Center for Organic Agriculture) is supported and developed, providing accreditations for new analyzes.

Principaux résultats antérieurs:  

This is the first involvement in the typical agro sector in Tunisia.

A previous project developed in Egypt in the medicinal and aromatic plants sector inspired the PAMPAT porgram.

Direction/office fédéral responsable SECO
Crédit Coopération au développement
Budget Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF    4’972’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF    0 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF    4’972’000
Phases du projet Phase 3 01.10.2019 - 30.06.2026   (Phase en cours) Phase 2 01.11.2013 - 30.09.2019   (Completed)

Phase 1 01.11.2013 - 31.12.2019   (Completed)