Non-earmarked contribution to the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the occupied Palestinian territory

Progetto concluso

Siwtzerland supports the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt) to carry out its mandate to provide capacity building for the Palestinian Authority and civil society as well as to monitor and report on human rights situation and policy development. This program is in line with Switzerland’s strong commitment in support to OHCHR and contributes to reinforce Switzerland’s policy dialogue with OHCHR Geneva office and to pursue Swiss human rights program in the oPt.

Paese/Regione Tema Periodo Budget
Territorio palestinese occupato
Diritti umani
Diritti dell'uomo (diritti delle donne inclusi)
Sviluppo legale e giudiziario
01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021
CHF  2’120’000

Over 50 years of Israeli military occupation of the oPt has created a volatile context of persistent and widespread human rights violations. The full closure on Gaza’s two million people for the 10th year with trajectory of de-development exacerbated by the energy crisis that limited drastically the provisions of basic services to the population. In the West Bank, the settlement expansion and the expropriation of land and other natural resources continues and the number of house demolitions is speedily growing to alarming numbers in over two decades. A combination of discriminatory laws and regulations restricting Palestinians’ residency, property, social rights and individual freedoms designed to displace Palestinians, especially in East Jerusalem, is pursued.

The intra-Palestinian split between Hamas, in control of Gaza, and Fatah dominant in the West Bank, has also exacerbated human rights violations by Palestinian duty bearers (arbitrary detention, torture, increased restrictions on freedom of expression and association) with no perspectives for any close reconciliation.

Obiettivi To contribute to the effective realization of adherence to international human rights law and international humanitarian law in oPt and to influence the behaviour of the respective duty bearers.
Gruppi target

Duty bearers :Palestinian Authority, de facto Authority in Gaza and Israel 

Other stakeholders : Israeli, Palestinian and international NGOs, local and international media outlets, the UN system in oPt and Member States

Effetti a medio termine
  • Participation: Israeli and Palestinians laws, policies and practices protecting the right to participate and civic space are strengthened and respected by both authorities
  • Non-discrimination: Israeli and Palestinian practices, policies and laws are increasingly in conformity with international human rights standards
  • Peace and security: Human rights (HR) are integrated in humanitarian strategies, planning and response, including advocacy and Humanitarian programing cycle
  • Accountability: Israeli and Palestinian detention policies and practices are more in conformity with international human rights standards; Palestinian laws and policies are more aligned with the oPt’s international HR obligations; international actors incorporate OHCHR’s analysis and recommendations demanding accountability.
  • Development: oPt's implementation efforts are more grounded in international HR obligations and the SDGs; the Palestinian coordination of the implementation of its international HR obligations is more inclusive of civil society
  • International human rights Mechanism: the oPt’s coordination body for the implementation of HR, civil society organizations, the Independent Commission for Human Rights, and non-traditional human rights organizations increasingly use the international human rights mechanisms to hold both Israel and the State of Palestine accountable for their human rights obligations and to assist Palestinians in claiming their rights

Risultati principali attesi:  

  • Support the UNCT in implementing the UNDAF and UN Strategies through a human rights based approach
  • Support the PA to undertake a comprehensive assessment of the human rights situation under the human rights treaties as a baseline for measuring progress and to establish permanent internal structures for sustained monitoring, reporting and implementation of human rights treaty commitments
  • ICHR and CSOs are given the tools and space to engage in monitoring implementation of the commitments towards international human rights treaty obligations and the National Policy Agenda (NPA).
  • Legislative gaps related to GBV are addressed with awareness raised amongst the general public
  • Death penalty and detention cases are monitored, documented, and actively followed up through advocacy
  • Protection cluster working groups are guided by int’l law
  • International law analysis are integrated in advocacy, including Humanitarian Coordinator and UN country team policy and practice

Risultati fasi precedenti:  

  • OHCHR four-year Management Plan 2018-2021 was finalized (set out of the pillars on which UN Human Right will focus its interventions at the national, regional and international levels to fully fulfil its mandate of all human rights for all).
  • The Protection Cluster could ensure that protection and respect for international human rights and humanitarian law are an integral part of the work of the Humanitarian Country Team thanks to the successful leadership of OHCHR.
  • Mainstreaming of human rights into national development framework mainly the National Policy Agenda (NPA), which charts the coming five years in development objectives could be achieved thanks to the support provided by OHCHR to the Palestinian Authority.
  • Human rights were treated as central not only to the Common Country Assessment, and the new United Nations Development Assistance Framework (UNDAF-commenced in 2018) thanks to OHCHR’s efforts.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile DSC
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Partner del progetto Partner contrattuale
ONG internazionale o straniera
Organizzazione delle Nazioni Unite (ONU)
  • Other international or foreign NGO North
  • Other UN Organisation

Altri partner
EU, Denmark, Sweden, OHCHR and others
Coordinamento con altri progetti e attori

Synergies and coordination with other SDC partners: Diakonia IHL resource centre, the Independent Commission of Human rights (ICHR), Israeli and Palestinian NGOs supported by Switzerland.

Continuous coordination and consultation with Swiss actors in the region and in Switzerland.

Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    2’120’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    2’120’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 2 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2024   (Completed)

Fase 1 01.01.2018 - 31.12.2021   (Completed)