Strengthening Trust, Integrity and Compliance in and between Small and Medium Enterprises and Public Sector in Moldova (STIC)
Phase 1 of the project enhances integrity and compliance in and between Small and Medium Enterprises including their business associations and public institutions in two strategic sectors, namely agri-food and construction. It supports measures to reducing excessive bureaucracy and corruption, enhancing good governance principles and improving economic performance as well as access to global markets in line with Swiss interests.
Pays/région | Thème | Période | Budget |
Moldova |
Governance Emploi & développement économique
Organisations contre la corruption
Développement de petites et moyennes entreprises Politique du secteur publique |
- 30.11.2028 |
CHF 3’920’000
- SMEs of the agri-food and construction sector
- Associations of agri-food and construction sector
- Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization, Ministry of Agriculture and Food Industry, Ministry of Infrastructure and Regional Development, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Internal Affairs and State Chancellery
- Regional authorities
- Anticorruption / integrity enforcement agencies
- Parliament
- Autres instituts suisses universitairs ou de recherche
- Secteur privé étranger Nord
- Secteur privé suisse
Secteur selon catégorisation du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE GOUVERNEMENT ET SOCIETE CIVILE
Sous-Secteur selon catégorisation du Comité d'aide au développement de l'OCDE Organisations et institutions pour la lutte contre la corruption
Développement des Petites et moyennes entreprises (PME)
Politiques publiques et gestion administrative
Thème transversal Réduction des risques de conflit
Le projet contribue à améliorer le fonctionnement de l'organisation partenaire
Type d'aide Mandat avec gestion de fonds
Mandat sans gestion de fonds
Contribution à des projets ou programmes
Numéro de projet 7F10887
Contexte |
Extensive stakeholder consultations in the Republic of Moldova (thereafter “Moldova”) indicate that the relationship between Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)1 and public sector is still driven by mistrust and fear, bureaucratic complexity and organisational cultures that tolerates corruption. Against this background, reforms to the anticorruption laws in line with European Union (EU) accession conditionalities are underway, while incentives to enhance the competitiveness of Moldovan products have increased given the Free Trade Agreement between Moldova and various economic spaces, including the European Free Trade Association, of which Switzerland is one of the four members. However, well-intentioned reforms will not be successful unless conflicting power dynamics, red-tape2 and existing social norms are acknowledged and change initiated. This project will address these challenges and is fully in line with the Swiss working approach to tackle corruption, improve inclusive governance, foster resilience and strengthen country systems. |
Objectifs | Switzerland contributes to changing social norms, reducing corruption in both public and private sector, enhancing trust and promoting incentives to move out of informal economy in the agri-food and construction sectors in Moldova. |
Groupes cibles |
Effets à moyen terme |
Outcome 1: SMEs and their associations and public stakeholders of the agri-food and construction sectors implement simplified integrity and compliance mechanisms. Outcome 2: Public institutions, anticorruption, integrity and enforcement agencies act with increased political independence, implement their mandate with ethics and integrity and ensure their enforcement and oversight function. |
Résultats |
Principaux résultats attendus: 1.1 SMEs have established effective communication channels with public stakeholders 1.2 SMEs have knowledge and tools to comply with simplified regulatory requirements 1.3 SMEs have knowledge and competencies on how to move from informal to formal sector 2.1 Public institutions have skills to engage with SMEs and coordinate actions towards revising and simplifying regulations and integrity standards for SMEs 2.2 Public institutions, anticorruption, integrity and enforcement agencies have established effective platforms and feedback systems to address areas critical for SMEs to grow or to move from informal to formal economy 2.3 Public institutions, anticorruption, integrity and enforcement agencies have improved internal governance and compliance mechanisms within central and local government bodies. Principaux résultats antérieurs: Based on the results from the Political Economy Analyses (PEAs) conducted during the opening phase, the agri-food and construction sectors were selected as areas of focus for phase 1. In both sectors red-tape, bribery and informality are widespread. Considering their relevance for Moldova’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and employment rate, the Government is committed to promote the development of these sectors. The project complements the Swiss portfolio in addressing corruption as a key development barrier for reducing poverty. The PEAs provided in-depth information on where and how corruption happens in these sectors and how to improve integrity and compliance between and among SMEs and public sector stakeholders. |
Direction/office fédéral responsable |
Crédit |
Coopération avec l'Europe de l'Est |
Partenaire de projet |
Partenaire contractuel Secteur privé Institution universitaire et de recherche suisse Partenaire de mise en œuvre
GFA Consulting Group GmbH
Coordination avec d'autres projets et acteurs | This project will work hand in hand with the following SDC funded projects: Strengthening parliamentary democracy (PADEM), Local governance (Ma Implic), Resilient market systems (RIM), Opportunities through Technology and Innovation (Optim) and Women for Peace and Prosperity (WEPP) and complement anti-corruption efforts of other donors, particularly the European Union, USAID and Sweden. |
Budget | Phase en cours Budget de la Suisse CHF 3’920’000 Budget suisse déjà attribué CHF 474’924 Projet total depuis la première phase Budget de la Suisse CHF 100’000 Budget y compris partenaires de projet CHF 11’000’000 |