Urban Planning and Infrastructure in Migration Contexts

This Project aims at improving access to reliable services and socio-economic opportunities for migrants in urban settlements of supported cities in Myanmar, Egypt, Jordan and Cameroon. It will do so by developing inclusive urban development plans and link necessary economic infrastructure investments to financing in those settlements.

Paese/Regione Periodo Budget
01.01.2021 - 30.06.2025
CHF  3’150’000

Today, over 60 percent of refugees and 80 percent of internally displaced persons live in urban environments. The rapid influx of displaced populations to urban settings has major spatial, economic and social impacts and aggravates existing challenges of municipalities. By focussing on short-term humanitarian responses to migrants, their neighborhoods are often excluded from long-term urban development visions and investements for public services. Mainstreaming migration into urban planning would provide for more inclusive neighborhoods and cities, and enhance socio-economic opportunities for all.


The overall objective of this project is to improve access to reliable services and socio-economic opportunities for migrants and displaced populations in urban settlements of supported cities. This will be achieved by supporting municipalities with a long-term strategic approach in connecting immigration affected neighborhoods with access to public services through bankable infrastructure projects. This integrated planning approach will also help to better coordinate and connect short-term humanitarian responses with long-term development interventions. It will set the groundwork to enable the development of more inclusive neighborhoods and cities, and prepare for longer-term infrastructure investments to improve urban living conditions and enhance socio-economic opportunities for all.

Effetti a medio termine

8 municipalities have a comprehensive spatial understanding of the existing situation in their city and in particular of urban settlements hosting displaced populations.

8 municipalities have agreed on detailed strategic visioning and scenario building for urban development in 8-16 selected neighborhoods.

Up to 16 bankable projects in sustainable urban infrastructure to support displaced and hosting communities are successfully linked to financing.

Supported stakeholders have increased capacity to collect and analyse neighbourhood and city level data and information, and use it to prioritize interventions.


Risultati principali attesi:  

8 Multi-sectoral spatial profiles providing municipalities with urban-/neighborhood-wide overview and assessment of displaced communities.

8 Suitable pilot areas within the supported cities are selected and agreed on.

8 Development Scenarios & Action Plans for the selected pilot areas are available and agreed on in a participatory way.

8-16 prioritized infrastructure projects are agreed on.

Municipalities have access to 8-16 technical and financial pre-feasibility assessments on prioritized investments.

Prioritized investments are consulted and discussed with potential financiers on their bankability.

Trainings, events and exchanges for local authorities as well as other stakeholders are prepared and conducted.

Data, knowledge, and lessons learnt are prepared to be shared through suitable urban platforms and other channels.

Direzione/Ufficio responsabile SECO
Credito Cooperazione allo sviluppo
Budget Fase in corso Budget Svizzera CHF    3’150’000 Budget svizzero attualmente già speso CHF    0 Budget inclusi partner del progetto CHF    3’250’000
Fasi del progetto Fase 1 01.01.2021 - 30.06.2025   (Fase in corso)